Rework Astral Recall to give us a 2nd bind point (Hearth Kidnestone from SL)

Now that Humans are getting their racial redesigned to be very similar to what we have with Astral Recall, maybe throw us a bone?

Mages have their Teleports/Portals and no class will ever come close to their cross-continent mobility so a sizable “buff” to Astral Recall would not be egregious. For anyone who didn’t play in Shadowlands, Hearth Kidneystone was just a 2nd, separate hearthstone that let you assign it to any Inn you wanted without changing your normal Hearth spot. Even though it had a long cooldown, the functionality is specifically what I am talking about.

Keep the 10-minute CD on Astral Recall but allow it to be assigned separately from our Hearthstone. If some Shamans want to bind both to one Inn they would still be able to and wouldn’t notice any change. But for me, I would love to set my Astral Recall to the main city for quick access and then put my hearthstone as close to the current raid as I could.

I rarely, if ever, need to hearth back to the main city multiple times in 10 minutes meaning that my Hearthstone is literally just collecting dust and I feel a buff to the functionality of the spell is in order.