Revoked is a 7/10M CN, 12/12M Ny’alotha CE Mythic raiding guild. We raid Tu/W 6:30-10:30pm PST.
We have a solid core of cutting edge raiders that have been raiding together for 2+ years. We taking raiding and killing bosses seriously and are committed to pushing CE every tier. We are looking for high performing rDPS to fill out our roster. Highest priority is lock/mage/hunter/Boomy, or WW.
We are looking to improve our throughput DPS to meet the checks required for late CE raiding. Our spots are competitive - if you show that you can do premium damage on mythic bosses, there will be a spot for you regardless of rank.
For more info please visit our wowprogress page:
Join our public discord and message Conradical:
OR message me personally for more info - bnet: CountMosula#1209 discord: weg#5529