Revisiting: Tirisfal Glades

Eye for an Eye is a great motivator for sure.

Considering that we have been in a state of constant war on this planet since the Great War and that wasnt even new but different… considering that civilians still die in the middle east, collateral damage from western munitions meant to kill… somebody?

Dude… proud, patriotic soldiers killing civilians (probably unwittingly) and believeing that they are serving their country, is definitely normal. Its sad, but its normal.

Anyway I am glad the Horde burned teldrassil rather than occupying it. I cringe at the thought of Blizzard writing an occupied nation storyline as they try to villainbat the Horde for BFA.

This is all your headcanon bud, you consider it normal. This is a you problem, seek medical help, maybe they have a prescription for what you have.

And the Night Elves were not some surprise, new enemy they pulled out of a hat.

There is a difference between civilians cauaslties, which are just a thing that’s going to happen in war no matter how careful either side agrees to be, and deliberately targeting civilians who cannot defend themselves.

While the myth of a clean Wehrmacht is a whole other historical myth, there is a reason Hitler had a whole army of war crime specialists.

Most people don’t feel okay about murdering helpless adults and children.


Not headcannon. Sorry if I am a devout dove when it comes to war and the cult nations build around it. It is super normal… but that doesnt mean its excusable. You do understand there is a difference in those two words, right?

This is dispicable.

When you say something is normal. It means it is excusable, search for a better word… like unavoidable. Anyway up to you but I think I have had all to say on this topic.

It isn’t. Everybody needs help, its nothing to be ashamed about.

Absolutely. And I would argue that the average horde soldier during the War of Thorns could not have known what Sylvanas and Saurfang knew about Darnassus state of evacuation or defense. That Sylvanas needed to yell her Burn it command a second time, past Saurfang, to the seige engineers, means none of them could have heard the Night Elf begging Sylvanas not to invade the defenseless tree. For most soldiers, the tree catching fire was likely followed by the victory fanfare and everyone started scrolling to see how many honorable kills they got.

Its an ad hominem, at the expense of the mentally ill. Thats dispicable.

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You are the one arguing its normal to intentionally kill kids as a matter of policy in war.
That’s a wholly different description than, in war it is unavoidable that some children may die.

The way you speak about this topic, the way you act nonchalant about it makes me think, either A) you have a very childish view of human conflict or B) English is not a language you are comfortable with. Or C) there is something different in a way you process this information. Anyway, its worth looking into if its the third option.

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This did not happen. The Horde soldiers were terrified that the Alliance were going to retaliate. The cry was “The Alliance will destroy us…” not one of victory.


Yes. Because I would never argue that it is unavoidable. It is totally avoidable, but it happens normally.

You would be wrong. And thats ok.

Obviously, that was a joke about BG mechanics.

From Saurfang.

Not that BFA did a good job conveying this or any logical consistency with existing characters, but Sylvanas was not popular with anyone but The Forsaken, Gallywix, and Geya’rah (and even she later owned up to that being a mistake). We were supposed to be backed into a corner by the aftermath and vengeful Alliance that made following Sylvanas the only choice available that wouldn’t result in the Horde being eradicated.

They basically did another spin on “Hellscream’s Eyes Are Upon You” with everyone being too afraid and outgunned to openly oppose her, but didn’t take the steps to actually set that up. Which leaves us with the strength and honor types being depressed, skulking cowards. Because Sylvanas and Anduin warp reality around them to have their stories unfold, damn the rest.


The Burning remains accidentally hilarious because a landmass sized tree, in the ocean, grown by magic dendrologists so skilled they planted a tree for Earth day in the elemental plane of fire, was immediately engulfed by standard siege equipment that suddenly got the sort of range usually reserved for aircraft.

And Azerite was already introduced as a plot point. Also Sargeras’s sword was jutting out of the planet. So, two newly introduced plot points that could explain how this truly unimaginable disaster occurred were right there and they remained untouched.

And the cherry on top is that in the BFA Horde opener you set Stormwind on fire. Or more aptly Zul sets a small fire that through prophetic Rube Goldberg shenanigans, engulfs at least most of a SW district.

This is how you’re able to escape. The fire requires immediate attention so your pursuers have to abandon the chase to put it out.


A. Zul was such a wasted character. A frail old man who is nigh unstoppable because he can see the future and set up some Final Destination death traps is an astoundingly fun villain idea.

B. Stormwind is better at firefighting than Darnassus.


Clearly you have not been thinking about the most likely underlying factor.

Horde favoritism.

BTW I had an idea about our debate the other day when discussing the PvP oriented narrative oriented warfronts.
How about instead of all players vs players or Players vs NPCs what if its like Old days Alteract?

Players act as commanders and we get a lot of NPCs under our command.

There is a whole damn laundry list of things that would deliver the same story beats without butchering characters, including Sylvanas. Chief among those are leveraging Dreadlords to kick most of this off, including the Burning.

Sylvanas could have ended up with the Jailer because she had no other choice, with both factions gunning for her in the wake of events she didn’t actually mastermind. Which would have meant finding that out in Shadowlands actually left Sylvanas a path back home.


No, from an Orc Beastmaster that was guarding Baine under Orgrimmar.

Lorthemar remarks that Sylvanas was so popular that he thought his people might not support him if he went against her.