Revert Season 1 Puzzle Box Nerf for Unholy DK

I’m currently trying to play my Unholy DK again for Season 4, because it was one of my favorite alts in Season 3. After seeing that the Puzzle Box is back in the current rotation of M+ dungeons, I decided I wanted that trinket, only to be reminded, after acquiring it, that it had been specifically nerfed for Unholy DKs. I think that change made sense at the start of Season 1 because it would have been the best for the whole season, but I don’t think it makes sense now. I guess the trinket was nerfed so people would play with trinkets from the current raid or dungeons instead of trying to farm old ones that aren’t even available at that level. Now we have a similar situation again. I know that you can still get the Trinket of Dawn of the Infinite in hard mode, but that dungeon is no longer in the current rotation and can only be done once a week. Shouldn’t this exactly not be the case in a season like this?

It just doesn’t make sense that the Puzzle Box is still 30% less effective for Unholy DK than for any other spec in the game, which forces Unholy DKs to farm their best trinket from a dungeon that’s no longer in the current rotation and, worst of all, can only be attempted once a week with no bad luck protection like we currently have in raids.

On top of that, the only people who are doing that dungeon until the last boss are others farming the same trinket. So, you can’t even hope for someone else to trade it to you.

Perhaps reverting the Puzzle Box nerf that affected Unholy DKs could change this situation.

For anyone not remembering that change, on May 8th 2023 this change was anounced that went live with the next weekly reset

  • [With weekly restarts] Algeth’ar Puzzle Box shared cooldown increased to 30 seconds, effect decreased by 30% for Unholy specialization.

In my opinion the 30% effect decrease for Unholy should be reverted


I personally like what they did with the Dawn of the infinite hard mode and would still consider it a current dungeon but was never a fan of nerfing specific items for specs as that feels more like a band-aid fix.

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