Revert Removal of Moonkin Form for Guardian, Feral, and Resto

Currently in Beta, Moonkin form is unavailable to Guardian, Feral and Restoration druids. It could be that it was removed to avoid having feral have to use Moonkin form rotationally for damage, a problem that was discussed at length in Shadowlands Beta. There could be other reasons that I’m unaware of. But, I think the cost of removing Moonkin form for non-Balance specs is far to great to make it a reasonable solution.

Removing Moonkin form takes away MANY use-cases for the form’s use in non-Balance specializations. For example, Moonkin form…

  • provides polymorph immunity while casting Cyclone, Entangling Roots, and Regrowth
  • allows Flap (the druid in-combat slow fall)
  • allows for a disengage-style Wild Charge
  • provides armor increase while mounted (Guardians have low armor if attacked while mounted)
  • allows for ranged/spell damage concentrated Convoke the Spirits (convoke with favor spells associated to your current form)
  • allows players to shift into Moonkin form when casting Wrath/Starfire with NEW Fluid Form talent (how can you add this killer talent and then take away moonkin form for 3/4 of druids?)
  • allows player to look like amazing featherlord spellflinger at will

The absence of Moonkin form is also a HUGE MISS. It’s a huge miss to not allow Elune’s Chosen Guardian druids to shift into Moonkin form to deal damage while not tanking.
It’s also a huge miss to not allow Resto druids an option to utilize Fluid Form to integrate caster damage into their rotation with Moonkin form. And this brings me to what is likely the real reason Moonkin form was removed. If Fluid Form puts a druid in Moonkin form when casting Wrath, this could take a Resto druid out of tree form. I think most druids would agree, solving the problem of making sure the new Fluid Form talent doesn’t break Incarnation Tree of Life form when casting Wrath is worth the effort to save MOONKIN form for all druids.

What other ways do you use Moonkin form for non-Balance specializations? What reasonable rationale could be given to remove Moonkin form for bears, cats and rdruids? Do you have any other thoughts or angles on this topic?


I’m convinced Blizzard removes spells/abilities only to give them back later saying, “see, we’re listening”. Lack of moonkin form for druids other than Boomies, makes no sense.

I used to pop in and out of moonkin to DPS when there wasn’t any healing that needed to be done.

Personally, i like that it was removed simply for the sake of clutter and extra gcds.

And to be real honest, none of your points make any sense outside of polymorph immunity during casts which is probably the reason you made this post, but fear not coz mages don’t even polymorph anymore these days lol.

As for the rest, you don’t need flap indoors or in arenas and outdoors you can just flight form? Or worse case glider? Flap is a meme.

Disengage leap still works with cheetah if u aim where u wanna go.

Historically speaking , moonkin form was always a deep balance talent so i didn’t like they gave it to druids baseline.

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in Neltharus you have 3 spots for use this spell for save a few seconds and fall damage(in case you want that)

you cant use travel form in many dungeons/raids

with this logic we can say " same with bear and cat form, just imagine why you want tanking or doing melee dps when you are range dps "

The armor while mounted is potentially critical with one of the dungeon encounters in this coming M+ season making the entire party mount up and fly around, then land back to resume damage while the boss is shooting casts at the tank’s face …

Granted, it would probably be best if the core issue was fixed and Guardian retained its tanking survivability while shifted out/mounted like every tank.

I agree! I don’t even use Moonkin form in combat so I didn’t even know half of those, but I still want it back.

Flap has saved me several times while out and about. Argus has several high cliffs that can kill you if you jump down. Can’t mount up in Argus so whoo, flap saves the day.

And it’s just cool to have more forms. They spent a good chunk of development and art time updating the model and adding customization and the new form looks fantastic. I love to just spend some idle time in different forms moonkin among them.

It also greatly hurts RPers, they will not get be able to easily use that form if they wanted to.

People not wanting to owl weave is no excuse to get rid of it. You never had to owl weave in the first place.

Now this makes a lot more sense , fair enough.

I’m indifferent on this form… When they removed it I was hoping the class tree would get better pathing… well as we all know its still awful.

It had a little use with convoke but for 90% of content I never even used the ability and i do believe it was a good prune. However I don’t think the goal of the prune were achieved… the class tree didn’t get better… it actually substantially worse for druids.