Revert Lightning Bolt's Graphic! (Actually don't. Complainers gotta Complain)

The ascendance glyphs were not copy paste though. The energy model and armored model look very different. They are the same model of course, but the appearance is different. They look great.

They could do a lot more with glyphs of course, it annoys me greatly that they could have one of the best customization systems out of any mmorpg and they just don’t utilize it. Modernize the cataclysm glyph UI and start adding things like “your lightning shield now takes on an orange appearance” “your earth shield now takes on a blue appearance” “your light based spells now take on the appearance of shadow-shadow priest specific” “your lightning bolt now takes on an orange appearance”, etc i could go on and on about this. They can do this while remaining within the boundaries of class/spec fantasy, ie the shaman glyphs I just mentioned only utilize the elemental colors they typically have access to, no purple stuff or whatever.

In terms of glyphs for Lightning bolt, this is an odd scenario. If they did that, technically putting in the glyph for current Lightning Bolt would be a small damage increase over just using the new one. So I dont really think they can do that.

I think the best play is to just keep the current high quality of the PTR version while making it connect you and the target like the one on live in order to remove travel time. It would look really cool too imo. The connection was part of the uniqueness of Lightning bolt I think, and the travel time is just not great especially with Farseer being a thing.

They could also enable off-spec stuff too!

Dh could be made to look like Keldorei Wardens and Sin’dorei Spellbreakers. Shaman to look like Plague Doctors and similar. Petless hunters, hoplite warriors, etc… all with nearly zero balancing concerns.

That they refuse to put that effort in at all is just heartbreaking.

Ehh that’s definitely out of reach for the glyph system, it’s what I think a lot of people were assuming hero talents would be, ie an off spec that’s mostly cosmetic customization.

That is something they could do potentially but I’m just looking for changes to spell colors and stuff like that from glyphs that still remain within the class/spec fantasy boundary. Ie glyphs for monks to change jadefire stomp to any of the celestial colors, glyphs to change lightning bolt to red or white or light brownish green since those are the elemental colors we have access to already (and have class sets in the game with red/white/green lighting already), glyphs to change ghost wolf forms into “elemental” imbued wolf forms, etc.

I don’t think it’s necessarily sad or heartbreaking that they don’t do every single thing we want lol. They have plenty to do as it is and they do add a lot we ask for ie player housing being on its way. However the glyph system is already in place and there is even a UI for it they can bring forward and modernize, and I think it’s fair to ask for that. Glyphs being in the game already but kind of neglected feels bad, there is so much potential there for just spell visual customization.

Swapping out burning fel fire with something more lunar theme is within that vein. Or making Shaman’s spells look green and plaguey, swapping totems for cauldrons.

I’m staying strictly within the vein of colour swaps and effect changes.

I disagree with that completely. shamans have nothing to do with the plague and warlocks have nothing to do with lunar abilities. Why would I want plague cauldrons on my shaman? Or lunar abilities on a lock? None of that is within spec or class boundaries at all which the devs have said they want to uphold and it’s a bit ridiculous regardless.

When I brought up glyphs changing spell colors I’m talking about colors the spec already has, just opened up to more abilities. Ie being able to change the color of lightning bolt to red/orange (lava/volcanic), whitish grey (wind) or light brown/light green (nature). That is what remaining within the boundaries of class fantasy is, not adding in random stuff that has nothing to do with the class really.

People want a plague-y witch doctor, and fel->lunar is for demon hunter to turn into wardens, not warlocks.

I’ve never seen anyone ask for that for shamans at all but people can want it, doesn’t really mean it makes sense. I want a witch doctor focused on actual WoW witch doctor things like hexes and potions not random plague stuff. They can always add more hero trees eventually though and I think they will

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I don’t like either new spell effect. As others said it looks like a magic missile instead of a lightning bolt.

The new Lightning Rod is far too skinny to look real.

The new sound effects all sound unnatural too. Too much zzzzt, not enough thunder.

We’re shaman. We guide the power of the natural elementals and the spirits. We’re not a tesla coil.

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lmao, you’re a legend, thank you for that laugh, I needed it :rofl:

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That’s not a new one, unfortunately. They removed it for a while and re-added it.

I guess just make a glyph for old one?

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I’m kinda surprised they redid lightning rod. I thought it looked great already. Haven’t gotten my eyes on the new one but by ur words sounds like a downgrade which is disappointing.