Revert hunters closer to how they played in Cataclysm

Saw that Blizzard is doing a Hunter rework soon and just wanted to chime in.

Hunter pets are very homogenous, less utility in current retail. BM exotic pets are fairly watered down as well.

BM’s rotation and gameplay is very boring.

Hunters were kinda close in utility to mages/locks (CC) in Cata. After, they just removed a lot of fun from the class.

I miss being able to run a monkey pet that throws a banana as Marksman hunter. Give us back our fun :frowning:

The pets? Sure, at least in most ways.

The rest? Would rather mostly not. Cata Classic is right over there anyways.


Hunters had great utility compared to other specs back in cata. I remember nice old silencing shot…

I also liked being able to melee\range on MM and forced you to be good at kiting. I would play cata again if i had a toon leveled up for it just to play MM hunter again.

Pet wise, from memory pets kinda OP in cata for MM in terms of the monkey throwing poop at people and ccing them from memory its been a while though. Not a huge fan of the pet management on MM but it was required for CC back then just not as much as pet is required nowadays.

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Give me cata survival in the mm or sv tree and i’ll never ask for anything again


Ngl, mostly miss the depth of utility hunter pets had in Cata.

Where are the comms on this rework?

on the beta forums

Can you link please? Thanks

june 11th was when it was first revealed. you can scroll down to see all the changes over the last month.

wowhead has a beta talent tree here:

there’s been articles on all 3 specs reworks on wowhead as well

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