Revert Changes and Take Era off Seasonal Clients

Free cookies gives the game diabetes.

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It was never even intended for alliance. Its already being exploited as now you can boon rend(horde) and get a fresh rend(alliance) to use outside of the boon. Also i think horde still have the long cooldown on rend drops(not sure though).

Its a slippery slope man. How about we just give horde kings and salve for QOL reasons?

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fyi heā€™s done this stuff on the tbc classic and wrath classic forums heā€™s basically just a gigantic troll that shills for the changes crowd. do yourself a favor and stick him on ignore. your life will be 100% improved.


Druid polearm is inconsequential.

Alliance Rend does not remove challenge it removes tedium which should not be present in 2024 regardless of what version of the game you are playing. If you agree alliance should still be able to get horde Rend, then you agree an alliance version should exist. If you disagree, then you yourself are asking for change.

Non removable world buffs, if you think this should be changed back you are a mentally sick griefer and your opinion is worth nothing.

You have all been using chronoboon for years at this point. Stop pretending itā€™s 2004 vanilla. Stop whining and go enjoy it like the rest of us, I have never seen such a minority make so much noise over something so small.

Itā€™s changes you donā€™t care about until itā€™s changes that you do care about. Whatā€™s going to stop them from porting class balance or LFD? The precedent is set, and theyā€™ve decided they donā€™t have any interest in preserving Vanilla. People have a right to be upset and unsub over it and if you ā€œDidnā€™t careā€ you wouldnā€™t make a post.



When is Spriest getting Dispersion? Thats QoL and people dont need to talent it if they dont want to use it?
My Pally needs taunt, i mean that would let more people Tank, thats a good thing right?

I understand people like some of the changes, but ERA was a museum piece, not another rubbish seasonal server.


Blizzard, if I wanted my mana (or melee attacks) increased, I would be playing SoD, Cata or Retail. But Iā€™m not. I choose to play Era because I DONā€™T want any changes to my mana, melee attacks, world buffs, guild UI tab or anything else!

As your paying customer, donā€™t tell me ā€œyou think you do but you donā€™tā€! What other changes are you going to tell us you think we want (but really donā€™t)? I want to play Classic Era, which is supposed to preserve Vanilla WoW. I donā€™t want my guild tab or any other part of the Classic Era UI changed at all either! Revert these changes now!

Leave Era alone.


too late, you guys all allowed them to put layers in the game