Revert battle of nazjatar change

This is a really terrible change.

It is now random. It will still be around a 3 hour interval, but it won’t always start at the same time on the hour as before.

This is bad. This event was to farm the commendations and getting conquest points. And for newer toons it was a great place to get some conquest points easily to get some gear, especially the weapon. I always knew when it was to get on so I could get my points. And it’s NOT LIKE IM ALWAYS IN NAZJATAR. So now I have to always be sitting on alts in nazjatar to hope I see a battle. I can’t be off doing other things cause who knows when it will spawn.

This is terrible and should be reverted back


Should be … but it won’t

if enough people get on this they might

Wait, did they intentionally muck with the Battle for Nazjatar start time? I assumed it was just some bug that made it start like 40 min late today, which they would fix at some point.

Nope, do not revert it back. For months now, every battle on my shard has gone down the same exact way. Alliance prepacking the shard with two to five raids, and having those raids camping the control points before the battle even starts. In doing this they trigger the battle, which at that point is unwinnable for the horde. The mechanics have been getting exploited, and I applaud Blizzard for making it more difficult for the Alliance to do so.


Alliance didn’t camp the flag points ahead of time, that would bug the battle out and give everyone the debuff and end the match for us. Alliance, like you, traveled to the points after the match began. Everytime I did the battle the group leader would kick anyone not in Mez when it was close to time so we wouldn’t get the bugged debuff.


Well playing on both sides i see much more alliance premades preparing for the battle. There’s like 10 premades of RUIN for the battle. While horde has 1 maybe 2.

What is wrong with premades? Horde can and do, do that as well. Plenty of times I have seen a whole guild+ of Horde on a shard during battle… Im thinking that is fun, not upsetting.

You can still easily get conquest points, as getting 1 war chest daily in Nazjatar for the 7 days satisfies the 500 weekly requirement. Most of the time you don’t even have to engage the opposite faction. Can usually get at least 1 war chest in any of the other 6 zones, and shorten that time. Those are even easier to find uncontested.

As far as commendations go, I have 250+ commendations and have zero idea what I’m supposed to do with them.

yeah i know that. but you could easily fill the conquest bar super quick while doing 5 of the battles in a day if when you knew the exact time of them. and to the chest you kind of have to get lucky of being in those zones at the time they drop

alliance players reported being greatly outnumbered in WM which made make Battle For Naz impossible to complete when doing randomly in your realm/shard, so people start to make groups and that’s the end result

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Having to kill 1 person during the PvP quest in Naz is utterly stupid, especially when Both sides just mob up, if your not in a group and want to even try you are punished for it, engaging in combat with another Faction player should be good enough, Live or Die at least you tried, Trying and failing over and over until you have to wait 2 minutes (due to PvP rez timer restrictions) just to watch the timer go down and get nothing is the most frustrating thing I have experienced in a long time and makes me want to rage quit and thats very unlike me.

God forbid Alliance having to get raids together when they’re outnumbered nearly all the time. lol get real.

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Same thing on my Shard (Blackhand), My buddies shard (Kael’thas) and my wife’s shard (Ravenhold) and my wifes shard is an RP shard!

From today’s hotfix notes:

  • The start time for the Battle of Nazjatar is no longer fixed to a 3-hour interval. The delay between events now has random variance.
    • Developers’ note: As players have learned the timing of the event over the course of Rise of Azshara, increasingly the perceived optimal way to participate is to camp the control points in advance of the start time. By adding some variance (which still averages out to a 3-hour interval), we hope to make the Battle for Nazjatar more dynamic without reducing the overall frequency of the event.

I’m sure they could have found some other way to solve this without the solution being so annoying.

Like, just off the top of my head, teleport anyone near a control point back to their home base when the battle begins.

They did infact pre pack it’s even in the patch notes.

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Sounds like blizzard farming log-in hours.

Alliance did not do this because it would have bugged the event…

I mean, it’s crazy that horde have more people in WM and have the exact same ability to form groups, yet they can’t muster forces to battle in Naz. lol

The main issue was the lag - again a blizz prob, not the players prob.

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Yeah, sorry but they did it all the time. The battle would start once the population reached “balance” and immediately control point after control point would fall to alliance. They were camping ahead of the battle, no other way around it.