Revamped Silvermoon speculation

So if the trailer comes in August do we think they will make a full gameplay review too? Also how would you update the city?


I would put an invisible barrier up around it that prevented you from visiting it.


dark heart thrown in the sunwell
sunwell does a beledar and changes regularly

silvermoon is split with right half being light and horde and left void elves and alliance

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My butt hurts at how feasible this is.


I’m betting on just a split silvermoon between velves, helves and belves. with the whole story being about coming together to save silvermoon after xal atath takes a dookie into the sunwell

This Orc has no business being a Warrior.

He is clearly a Farseer.

Tell us more about the future, oh wise Shaman…


The Dark Heart was just a singularity of void poop to clog and back up the Holy Toilet. We should have known.

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Blizzard’s going to turn it into Suramar or WoD Shattrath. There’s a nice pretty city under there, but lots of it has damage and it’s full of hostile NPCs.

“No one uses Silvermoon anyway” - Blizzard, probably.

Blizzard’s going to give just enough of Stormwind away to [H/V]elves that makes the rabid Helf community go rabid for not getting enough while angering the Belf community.

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Well, since this isn’t your typical bait thread, I guess I’ll answer the following question.

Wouldn’t mind seeing the city properly restored, I.E. a good chunk of it is still just that carved out part of the Dead Scar we’ve known they’ve fully rebuilt Silvermoon for awhile so having it look bigger and better would be great, be neat to see a bit of Nightborne influence as well what with Lor’themar and Thalyssra’s marriage

I won’t go any further than that because I imagine the city itself is gonna be the ‘neutral hub’ for the expansion.

As much as I hate this idea, it’s almost assuredly going to be what happens.

I think the BElf community will just be happy that they can finally fly around the city finally. Kind of crazy that a major outdoor capital zone built and released in TBC is the last to have flying implemented.

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