Returning WW

Hey all, I’m returning to the monk class, Windwalker specifically, and was looking at the recommended talent builds on Icy Veins. I see that on both the AOE and single target, near the bottom of the spec tree most of the talents taken are in the middle, ignoring talents like Whirling Dragon Punch (iconic monk ability) and Faeline Stomp (which I was never a huge fan of to be honest). Are these abilities just not tuned to do enough damage to be worth taking right now?

On the one hand I like the ease of use of just taking the passive talents but I do miss WDP.

P.S. It looks like Jadefire Stomp is taken on the single target section, my bad.

P.P.S. For reference I do mostly mythic + with a little bit of raiding

All the builds are pretty viable for M+. Afaik, WDP doesn’t do enough atm. Plus our rotation is already pretty packed with buttons.

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I miss using WDP, too. I still use it in most of my specs because it’s so fun. Unless you’re doing high lvl content I don’t think it matters too much.

Thanks yall.