Hi Everyone,
I am a returning WoW player that is trying out Retail for the first time with TWW. I raided Ulduar regularly during Wotlk Classic and KT/Vashj during original TBC.
I’m looking for an established guild that raids between Sunday to Thursday. Start and end times are flexible but earlier would be more convenient.
The guilds I have been a part of previously would be categorized as “Hardcore” or “Semi-Hardcore”. I do not really have a preference on guild type but I care about everyone’s time being respected.
For TWW S1, I will probably play either Fury or Arms based on what is stronger during a given patch.
Leave a comment below if your guild has an open melee DPS spot and I will follow up with you in-game or on battle.net.
Also, is there a Discord server for Stormrage? That was the method I used for finding my previous guilds but it seems like guilds being cross-realm have eliminated the need for realm specific Discord servers.
If you have any advice on how players use Discord servers in Retail, that would be appreciated.
Kind regards,