I haven’t been a hardcore raider since Mythic SoO. I haven’t really played wow at all since 2019.
I do understand the time commitment and preparation raiding requires.
I am enjoying Wrath Classic and would like a bench spot on a well organized Horde guild.
My most available times are Mondays and Wednesday any time after 5pm server. My next most available times are Tuesday and Thursdays… but usually later at night.
I can bring any of these to the team:
Are you still looking for a home? We could use you for our Fri 25 man team and our Sat 10 man team. We have groups that still run Naxx, EoE and OS also for the newer 80s.
25 man raids are on Fri/Sat at 8pm server time (eastern) and our 10s are currently Tue/Wed at 8pm and another one on Sat at 2pm.
We use thatsmybis-com loot system. Think of it as a soft reserve kind of system sort of. You make your BiS list of whatever items you want and in what order. If that item drops and it’s higher on your list than another’s, you get the item first.
Please message me (Wyldthing in game also or BNET), Sanjeet or Sinfool in game if you’d like more info!
BNET: Draca Spitfire#1663
Hey mate, I have a raid team that runs Tu/Th starting at 8:30ish server time. The could use a solid player. Let me know if you’re interested and would like to chat some more. The guild is Nerds of Prey.