Returning top 10 US Holy Paladin LF CE raiding guild

Hello all, I am a returning top 10 US Raider, I Raided top 10 US For years as a Hpally All the way from Cata-WOD, Had numerous top 5 US kills during Mists, WOD and TONS of number 1 parses on many fights throughout the years on numerous Alts and classes, Most Noteable kill (Mythic Imperator Margok US 8th) I am looking for a CE raiding guild that plans to push content and a home for shadowlands… Alliance or Horde, Preferrably with a spot needing an H pally.

Add me on RealID to discuss further - Kowadin#1451

Hey Aura!

Sloppy Seconds (Stormrage-Alliance) is need of a HPal! We formed around May, clearing up to 10/12M NYA (3rd phase carapace) and looking to clear all CE content moving into SL. We are a friendly group focused on progression in an appropriate time frame for those that have families/jobs.

We will be raiding Tues/Wed from 9:30-12:30 AM EST

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or are interested!
BTag: skrillareave#1502
Discord: skrillareave#3104

Hey there, please check out Hallowed’s forum post to see if we may be a fit for you. We are currently looking for a Holy Pally :slight_smile:

Still looking! :smiley:

add me on discord Romance / Aniki#5949 ce guild raiding fri-sat 6-10 pst spot for hpaladin

still looking!! Add me on Real ID Kowadin#1451