Returning to WoW LF a guild to call home

HI there! I’m just looking for a semi casual Guild to kick back and enjoy the game with other people that like to do the same.

I can raid if need be, but I haven’t done any real raiding this expansion. I am a semi casual player, not the best player, but one looking and willing to learn. I’m great at doing homework.

Here are a few things that I enjoy doing in-game.
Island expeditions
Transmog farming

if this sounds like anything you guys want in your Guild please message me back on here or add me in-game Campbellsoup#1661. I look forward to chatting.

Again either Horde or Alliance welcome.

Kelvar#1680 - casual but successful raiding guild that does regular mythics and other fun stuff - ping me and we’ll talk!

Hiya Sokbiba!
I think we can be a great fit for you! We have laid back/regular raids Mondays and progression Tues/Thur nights. We often run m+, pvp, islands, mog and achievement nights!

Here’s our usual spam:
We’re not your average guild. We raid. We M+. We like each other. Not like like. Well… Anywho! We’re a fun, social guild that would love to add more solid people to our team that like progress without the elitist mentality.

Looking for a MAGE for progression team and a TANK for M+.

What do we do??
Normal raids are Monday 8-11pm EST. (9/9 Normal)
Progression nights are Tues & Thurs 8-11pm EST. (4/9 heroic)
Achievement nights every Sunday and guild contests twice a month.
M+ are pretty much all day every day and some PVP here and there.

If that all sounds well and good, add me @Saxx#1747 and we’ll talk!
We also run an M+ community, feel free to join that whether you join us on Garrosh or not!

Should join Legend on Turalyon Horde. = )