Returning to m+ after multiple years

I havent played m+ in about 6 years, but im growing tired of pvp.

That being said, how “grindy” is m+ these days? I dont even remember how it worked back when i played it.

I was 2200io, so not super serious, but i am looking to actually be competitive and play a decent spec if anyone has some tips there(i know dh is one, thats never changed)

I am not super competitive, but do have a competitive streak. Not elite either, but everyone on our team hit 3k this season, and for some of us (including me) that was a first.

First choice you might want to consider is whether to look for a regular team or mostly pug. Do you have friends who might share your goals? That shared goals part is important, because many teams break up when it becomes apparent they aren’t after the same experience (e.g., some in group want to lol yolo, while others are trying to study and plan strats). Or maybe you’ll have to pug your first season till you meet some other decent players who share your goals and building your friends list. This part is a lot like team-building in PvP: find a good player, chat them up, see if y’all are good fits for each other.

You can get decent score just pugging, but the higher you go the more it helps to be in discord communicating in real time. Trying to type while DPSing and getting interrupts and affixes, then hoping someone will read what you typed when they’re hopefully busy doing those things too… not very practical. Building a regular group can also make it all less stressful. You know you’ll get your shots every week, and if you screw up, well they’ve seen you play brilliant at times too so they get the whole picture. We all have our brilliant moments and our screw-ups; team mates are around long enough to see the whole you.

If you end up with a team, your choice of spec can depend on what works best with overall group comp. If you are mostly pugging, you’ll get more invites playing FOTM.

tanking is a miserable experience imo. ive tried it, i just can’t enjoy it