I am returning to WoW after over a decade long break and starting over. While I don’t have any recent experience, I’m excited to jump back in. My preference would be to get into some PVE end game content. Since I just returned, I’m not set on a main yet. I’d like to land with a good guild that’s willing to help me learn some of the new aspects of the game. I’m willing to role any class, either faction, and any server. For reference, my original main was rogue.
If you have a good guild culture and are willing to invest in someone that’s a quick learner, I could be a good fit. Culture is important to me. I should be able to dedicate at least a couple of nights per week to PVE content and I’m good with Discord. I can be pretty dedicated but my life won’t revolve around WoW.
Thanks in advance!
Dirty Mike and the Boys(H) Malganis is looking for a few dps and healers. We raid Tuesday and Thursday 9-12 est. We are 10 Heroic. Laid back guild. Most players are 30+. We have an active group of players on non raid days for M+. Gear doesn’t matter as much as willingness to learn and the dedication to show up twice a week. If interested or have any questions please message me on Battlenet MtMan#1965 or Discord MtMan#2491
Hello Zoinx! I own a small, semi-casual guild on servers Rexxar/Misha named Wolves of the North. We’re trying to regroup after members falling off of the game. We want to have a 10-15 player raid group raiding Fridays & Saturdays 9pm - 12am EST. 3/10N currently. We are in need of all roles.
We’re all mature players, and have prior commitments in the real life. We’re all here to have fun, and run content together. No unrealistic hard-core goals set. No intense scheduling. Semi-casual AOTC mindset, with priority in having fun.
If you’re interested, my discord is zdunny69#4257, feel free to message me with any questions!
Hello Zoinx,
Perhaps our guild would be a good fit for you!
Many of our members have been people who have returned to the game. Come look for yourself at what some of our guildies have to say about their experience with Grim Batol Surfers. It’s more than a guild. For some people, it is home!
Hi there.
Pyreanor is a smallish semi-hardcore guild on Wyrmrest Accord that is looking to build our community for heroic raiding in Shadowlands. We’re 10/10N 1/10H CN and are looking to progress farther.
Currently we’re compromised of players who are raid ready, gearing up to raid, or are starting to get into mythic dungeons.
Our main goal is AotC by the end of Shadowlands without that one guy who yells in voice chat. We’re well on our way.
Our raid times are Tues Thurs at 6pm Pacific. (7 mountain, 8 central, 9 eastern.) We run about three hours.
Aside from the raiding aspirations, we help others gear up and we teach new players. We have a weekly schedule and events almost every night of the week including Torghast night, key night, casual BG night, and a variety night with different activities each week.
Our culture is low-key, with some folks who hang out in voice chat. We like 420 and many of us are LGBT so we’re a place without hate speech or bigotry.
We hope you will consider joining our crew of misfits in our journey to killing bosses and looting epics and make our core a little bigger.
Please let me know if you are interested via btag or Discord.
Zandrae#1418 / D: Zandrae#1418
Hello Zoinx! our guild is a new guild started by a group of friends who all have heroic raid experience.We would love to have you join and could easily help you out with anything you would need to know go ahead and contact on discord if you think we could be a good fit for you. Discord- WarcraftLore#8345
We are US Bleeding hollow [H] We raid Sunday’s 6-10 PM EST I started this guild for people like myself with families, jobs, unpredictable schedules etc. To kill bosses on a minimal time commitment. We are currently 9/10 H and looking to push as far as we can this tier
Add me on discord: Neil#4199
We can have a quick chat and see if we could be a fit for you
hello ZOINX
have u found a guild yet? We are still seeking dependable dps and heals for our heroic grp tonight we are on generals… We will be heading towards mythics as soon as i can get twenty people. Currently running 2/3/9. Heroic grp runs tue /wed 745pm to 10pm.est.Normal grp runs thurs friday 745pm to 10pm est. and We love keys. Have lots in the guild who run high keys 15 plus. and this is an established guild same gm in same guild since 2010 and i hope that you consider unbroken alliance. If not good luck in gaming.
Hit me up at Ureka#1269 or Urekka on stormrage or padock on stormrage have a great day:D
I think we have the place for you based on what you’re describing.
Just going to drop this right here if you’re interested in logging in to the game, interacting with people, and just having some fun with game content.
Illidans Redemption, formerly Sisters of the Night (est Feb 2005), is likely the oldest active guild on Silverhand and we’re quite proud to still be around led by one of its founding members.
We have weekly Legacy raids for xmogs/mounts, raids, heroics, CN raiding, and general shenanigans We are active 5 pm EST USTZ through the weeee morning hours of 2 am.
We do everything, so there’s always something going on. We’re all experienced players that have been there/done that as far as progression and end game raiding. So while we do enjoy our pixellated shinies and we enjoy all content. we do it our adults with real life pace . We simply aren’t a solo’ers/chat lurkers type guild. Everyone knows everyone here by name.
Find us in the Guild Finder tool, our discord @ discord.gg/WkD8axzQqn or Shade_PWS#9836. Bnet okayitsliz#1616
Thanks for all the replies! I have found a guild.
Would you be interested in a faction change?
Guild & Sever: Army of Heroes: Bloodscalp, Boulderfist, Dunemaul, Maiev, Stonemaul, Sen’jin, Quel’dorei
Raid Times/Days: Tuesday/Thursday 8-10:30 pm CST
Current Progression: 10/10 N 5/10 H
Recruitment Contact: Kal#7417 (Discord) AMcCall#3147 (Discord)
Requirements: Consistent attendance and a good attitude. Guild members are active throughout the week, and we regularly run M+ guild groups, so we will happily help gear you up! We are a group of people interested in progression, but who also believe that having fun is the most important part of any raid night.
Needs: Need all DPS roles, Fire Mage and Balance Druid in particular. Also need OS healer and Tank
Hey there, hoping you’re a fit for us!
< Unions Only >
Zul’Jin - Horde
Time: Wednesday 7-10 EST
Current progression: 10/10N, 6/10H
We’re looking for some DPS! We’re 6/10H Castle Nathria and run Mythic+. Raid is Wednesday 7-10 EST (one day). M+ throughout the week. Very active and laid back group. We like to down bosses and have fun doing it. Our goal is to eventually progress through Heroic but we won’t be bashing our heads into it. We will never step foot into Mythic Raid.
Add my btag: ishkurr#1649 if you’d like to chat some more
Hi Zoinx,
Reformation is a medium sized guild Alliance side on the Shadow Council cluster of servers. We’re a relaxed group of players that enjoys the game. We don’t get stressed about stuff and have fun with what we do.
Give me a shout if you’d like to know more about us. My BNet tag is in the general forum post below…
Are you looking to add a social aspect to your gaming time? Want to run dungeons and learn to raid? Reformation is a family friendly guild that enjoys social raiding and mythics. We work with players to help them build their skills so that they can enjoy their WoW time in a friendly environment.
Based on the Shadow Council server node (SC, BWR, SoE, CC) we are currently 10/10N, 1/10H CN. We run a variety of keys and have people that collect pets, mounts, mogs and achievements.
We are prioritizing the following roles:
M Dungeon Tanks, off spec DPS for raiding
M Dungeon and Raid Heals
Ranged DPS
We raid one night per WoW week for 2 hours, every second Sunday and Thursday from 6-8 server time (8-10 eastern).
Reformation is listed on WoWProgress and GuildsofWoW.
If you would like to know more about Reformation, you can contact me through BNet at Samvimes #11432 or ask anybody in the guild to speak with Sam or Cuda in game.