Returning tank player looking for a guild to push in TWW

Last played seriously during shadowlands season 3 and 4. Pushed top 100 and 50 in Stromrage as Prot paladin in M+ respectively and achieving AOTC in sepulcher as well as early mythic experience.

I’m looking for a new home to re-reach those heights and push myself further in TWW, with goals of pushing for CE and hitting top 10 in server for M+. All while making friends along the way. I’m open to learning and playing any tanks, but currently have a Prot pally and Vengeance DH.

If a dedicated and consistent tank that learns quick is something your guild is looking for, feel free to reach out to me on bnet: Nescura#1566 or on discord: _nera or right here!

Thanks for reading, hope to hear from you soon. Cheers!