Returning Tank Looking For Guild / Community

Hello All,

I’m a returning player, looking for a group of people to hang out and play with leading up to and after the release of TWW.

I’m a level 70 Blood DK, and likely going to stay as Blood for the next expac since I’ve been enjoying tanking more then I have been DPS as of late.

Looking to Raid, Mythic+ and just hang out and have fun, maybe play other video games too. I’ve heroic raided and pushed keys in the past and likely going to try and aim for that again, but I don’t want to go super hardcore, just want to complete content with a group of friends.

I know there were some changes with the guild system, so not sure how everything works now with cross-realm / Ali-Horde etc.

I am on IceCrown at the moment and on the horde side, so if there are any guild there that be cool, otherwise even some communities that I can join and raid / play with would be really great too! I try not to pay much to switch realms / races if I can avoid it.

FYI I am a resident Canadian, y’all gonna have to put up with my different mannerisms :wink:

We actually have a few Canadians in guild so you should fit in fine. I believe My guild Crimson Lances may fit what you want. We are on Dalaran and have been around since 2018. We are a social guild for those 18+, We believe that real life comes first, and the game second. We enjoy playing all aspects of the game. We are close friends and very open and friendly to all. We love to help new players learn their class/spec or with gold, bags or gearing etc.

We have DND groups. We group for dungeons or old content farming for achievements/transmogs/mounts/pets. We have a Wednesday learning raid at 9pm est. This is a learning environment where you can learn the raid, get loot, and not get stressed out. We typically do LFR/Normal content in this for those gearing up their first character or another alt. This is along side other random events hosted.

For those looking for more serious raiding we have our progression team doing Normal, AOTC and Glory of Achievements every tier. We have gotten AOTC consistently as a guild since BFA. Times are Thursday/Saturday 8PM est – 11PM est

I know this alot of info but if your interested in checking us out you can join our discord. Also cross server guilds are coming with prepatch so you can join guild from another server. We can chat more here or you can reach out to me on btag/discord

katzlover#1661 - Btag
katzlover1661 – discord

Hey Nightsbaine,

I’m the RL of Concerning Hobbits, an AOTC guild formed back in Cata by a bunch of friends. We raid Tues/Thurs 7-10pm EST. We have room for 1 tank. I’m currently listed as a tank for TWW but I’ve been hoping to switch to RDPS since its easier to raid lead that way.

The guild used to raid mythic but got burned out like so many others. A bunch of them barely played DF (mythic sepulcher burnout) but are now returning for the next xpack. Personally, I kept playing and managed to kill M Sark and M Fyrakk, a fact I enjoy rubbing in their faces :smile:

Anyways, for TWW we’re taking a more casual approach and just focusing on AOTC. Maybe(a big maybe) we’ll do some early mythic bosses just for fun & bragging rights, but we’ll stop once we hit a wall. If you like pushing keys we also have quite a few that love M+.

Discord: nohero_nbk

Here’s our guild spam if you want to read it.