Returning Spriest looking for a home

Hey guys.
I recently returned to the game after a well deserved break and I’m ready to get back into action. Looking for a guild that I can call home! Preferably 6 hour a week after 7 PM cst and that does heroic clears. Not looking for CE specifically but I’d like to do mythic and at least AoTC.

Bit about myself: 31 years old, mexican but fluent in english, bit shy at first but will change as comfort levels rise. Been playing WoW since release off and on, never really took raiding seriously until late WoD, I’m constantly pushing myself and are very competitive.

My prog this expansion:
CE Uldir, CE BoD, 5/8 Mythic EP. Guild stopped raiding due to lack of roster and raid leader deciding to take on IRL.
Currently neck level 75 and legendary cloak at rank 8.
I do my daily assaults and emissaries, also try to get the highest key for the week but the pug life is strong and also do my islands/world bosses.

My past raiding experience:
10/11 Antorus, 8/9 ToS, CE NH, CE EN

Guild I was in was the most fun I’ve had while raiding but sadly we had to stop due to lack of roster and the guild leader wanting to quit. Looking for something similar to that.

Willing to transfer servers but not factions, too lazy to do the war campaign all over, hehe :slight_smile:

My is Todes#11757 if you want to talk more.

Hello Iggyz! Sorry to hear that your raid group kinda went by the wayside, but hoping that we can step in and become a new home for you.

About us, we are a smallish guild, looking to expand our roster to get us up to where we don’t need to pug people for Mythic progression. We are normally an AOTC guild and have gotten that on every raid from when i joined the guild back in Cata. Currently we are 11/12 in Ny’alotha and are planning on starting progression in Heroic content next week.

We are a group of adult friends that the core of us has been together since cata, and we like to joke around, do some mythic +, a few of us dabble in PVP. We are pretty easy to get along with, friendly to pretty much anyone and try to keep 'isms out of our gaming experience. Don’t get me wrong, we are not a bunch of snowflake SJW’s. We will joke and poke fun of things as they come up, but once someone makes known that there is a boundary being pushed, we nip it in the bud.

We also provide gems, enchants, food, flasks etc to our raiders. All we ask is a little bit if chipping in on the materials side of things for the gbank, as some of the things are a bit grind intensive. If you have any questions of us, or just want to look into our guild, look us up. Guild name is and we are on Mal’ganis. Hoping to hear back from you soon!

forgot to mention, we raid Wednesday evening and Sunday evening at 830 PM EST till 1130 EST. Thanks!

We raid 2 additional hours on a 2 night schedule. Our raid times for you would be 9p-1a. Sunday - Monday. We have a strong history of getting CE on a relaxed schedule. Spam below if you might be interested! Good Luck.

< Really Bad Players > is a longstanding horde guild that has recently transferred to Area 52 seeking competitive players for our roster as we progress through Ny’alotha.

Our roster is comprised of raiders who seek cutting-edge progression while staying divorced from the hardcore raiding schedule. We strike a balance between performance-oriented progression and maintaining a casual adult atmosphere where we can laugh at our mistakes and each other as a way of improving our play.

As a two-night guild we will never add another mandatory raid night, however we do require exceptional attendance from our raiders. If you wish to see our past progression, we are transfers from Blackrock.

About Us
For more information about our guild, feel free to visit our website or contact us below.

  • US - Horde - Area 52
  • Raids Sunday & Monday from 7:00 to 11:00 PM PST (10:00 to 2:00 AM EST) for 8 hours of raiding a week.
  • 3/12 M NYA, 7/8M EP, 9/9M CE BoD, 8/8M CE Uldir

Recruitment Goals
Our raiding spots are performance based, so all exceptional players should always apply regardless of our current goals.

  • Tanks : We are not currently interested in mainspec tanks, but are interested in DPS that have tanking offspecs.
  • Healers : We are seeking a Discipline Priest, Restoration Druid, or a Holy Paladin for a core healing position. Bonus points or other healers considered if you bisexually play a DPS role.
  • DPS : We are considering all DPS with a focus on ranged players.

Our website holds more information about our guild processes and the optional application. You may apply directly by contacting us below.

The application is the best way of determining if we are interested in you or not, but you may apply by interview or ask other questions by contacting me.

  • Guild Leader: Duckies#1999 on Discord ( preferred ), or Solemnity#1999 on BattleTag.

Hey there Iggyz! We sound like we could be a fit for you. Here is a little snippet you can review and if you have any questions please feel free to add me.


Turalyon – US is recruiting all DPS classes and potentially a healer with DPS OS. We are a non-hardcore raiding guild focused on Mythic dungeons, helping others gear, and non-hardcore raiding (AOTC) 2/12 Heroic – 11/12 Normal Ny’alotha

Raid Times 2 days a week
Tuesday 8-11 PM EST
Thursday 8-11 PM EST

We are a community and family and on non-raid night you might see us doing: Mythic+ (10 and above), WoW hide and seek, mog content, alt runs on Sundays, some casual PvP, and many other random activities and events.

We are active in discord throughout the day and chat with one another as we go about our day. If this sounds like a fit, let’s chat!!

Hey Iggyz, we are currently looking for a SPriest (with possibly healing off-spec) to join our ranks. We raid Wed/Thu at 9.30EST currently 11/12N and 2/12H.
I will leave our recruitment post below for you to look through.

If your still looking give us an add friend!

Server: US-Turalyon (PVE) EST
Faction: Horde
Raid Times: 8:30pm-Midnight EST Tuesday and Wednesday; optional raid 8:30pm EST Thursday
Loot System: RCLootCouncil to help manage pieces people WANT to trade
Atmosphere: Adult (rated R)

Recent Progression:
10/12H NtWC
12/12N NtWC
4/8M EP
2/2H CoS
3/9M BoD
5/8 M Uldir

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via in-game whisper or through battle tag:
Byleana - GM - Byleana#1633 or @Byleana#0726
Karalea - Ranged Lead/Raid Lead - Kara#1715 or @Karalea#8566
Myricalus - Melee Lead - Myricalus#1115