Well I’ll be returning soon (within a month depending on taxes) with my new custom PC (super stoked about this) and wondering if there are any catch up mechanics for gear and the neck yet in game?
The Mythic-0s gives some pretty good gear. I would start there or heroics if are not 340 yet. Also there are warfronts that you can run repeatedly if they are up for the horde.
Welcome back and I hope you enjoy it. The next 8.1.5 should be a lot of fun when it comes out.
World quest blues are 360 ish and scale with ilvl i think (most of my junk is world quests, world raid bosses or pvp from conquest)
Well if WQ blues are 360 there goes all my mythic 0 gear.
I think, i could be wrong, that they are somehow related to your current ilvl
Mythic dungeons gear has gone up in ilvl with an increase in difficulty (idk i bought my one piece of mythic gear with titan residium.
Darkshore warfront went up in ilvl
So many catchup mechs for ya considering i keep hitting edit it keeps posting new reply
Good to know. The neck piece seems like it will be the hardest to catch up. Be interesting to see if I’m still in a guild or not.
World Quests are a good source to get you going, as is the Warfronts. Do both Arathi and Darkshore, you’ll get good drops there.
The ilvl of the WQ drops do scale with your character’s ilvl, so the higher your characters’, the higher the WQ drops.
If you have a lot of gold to burn, you can also pick up some crafted gear on the AH.
I only do the raids because of some quest is needed. I do WQ, wpvp quest, pvp questst, bgs, mythic + and warfronts.