I haven’t done much since S2; my guild fell apart, and I decided to take a break, but logs and IO are there. Looking for weekday raid times.
http s://www.warcraftlogs. com/guild/rankings/375319/19#
http s://www.warcraftlogs .com/guild/rankings/379124/21#partition=1
http s://raider. io/characters/us/area-52/Grummz#season=season-bfa-2
I also have multiple r1 M logs as Hunter with CE in EN and ToV which I can dig up if you care to see, but since that’s a different class and expansion, I don’t see the need in posting them.
Hey Grummz, if you have any interest in transferring to Mal’Ganis im with the guild (Lust n’ Bust) and our final and biggest need for a round roster is a good rogue. We are a reformed guild intending on pushing CE each tier in shadowlands with a raid schedule of Tues/Thurs 8-11pm central time. Hit me up if you have any interest or want more details.
Im from dishonored 12/12 Mythic and Multi CE guild. We raid tues wed thur 7:30-10:30 Pacific and have logs up under winterhoof. Btag is Dishonored#11140
<< Demise >> US - Sargeras
Tuesday and Thursday
Demise is currently recruiting for Shadowlands! We are a top tier mythic guild on Sargeras that has been raiding together for several expansions now. Our core group of veteran players have Cutting Edge experience in previous tiers.
Our core raiders are expected to always be prepared:
- Have knowledge of boss encounters heading into first week’s pulls, etc.
- Be prepared with flasks, pots, and feasts at all times. (We often provide them anyways but good habit to have)
- Show up several minutes early to raid nights and be prepared to clear trash and start right on the dot.
- Be open to feedback and improving your performance when necessary (bad nights happen, we understand!)
We just want to give a very clear expectation of what we expect from our team and our wow friends in the guild. We’re raiders with a common goal. Kill bosses and have fun doing it 
We are currently recruiting HEALERS and RANGED DPS (Boomy/lock/spriest pref) but open to skilled players on other classes. Spots will be competitive and everyone will have a fair chance to earn their right to raid.
If you are interested in our guild and would like more information or to join then contact us (info listed below).
I am always around and willing to talk and answer any and all questions. Hoping to give many of you the best guild/home you’ve ever been a part of! 
Discord: blitz steve#3655
Bnet- Blitzsteve#1703
IGN- Galiyon
Team Chaotic is Sin’s late night raid team and our second mythic raid team. Team Chaotic is currently 11/12M.
Raid times:
Tuesday / Wednesday / Monday (10:30PM PST / 1:30AM EST-1:30pm AM PST / 4:30AM EST) Weekly. Expect to raid extra days the first week of the tier.
Invites are out half an hour early. We are pulling the first boss by 10:30.
Contact: Ferocity#11842 - GM
Contact: Bigdeeps#11303 - Chaotic Raid Lead
Contact: Owl#12810 - Recruitment Officer
Raid/Progression Structure:
For raiding we have steep expectations with regards to participation and attendance. If you plan on raiding with us you should expect to have near perfect attendance and be willing to shift around other plans to prioritize raiding. During raid you will also be expected to provide complete concentration for the full duration the raid. With that said our raid structure also includes having a ten minute break in the middle of the raid to allow the team a chance to re-energize.
Top candidates will also possess the following characteristics:
- Maturity in the face of frustration.
- Personal fortitude to complete a tier even when progression becomes difficult.
- Commitment to personal growth and success.
- Willingness to accept constructive criticism to increase performance.
- Ability to work as a team player and serve the greater cause of the guild.
- Outgoing personality and desire to become a part of a gaming community. Most of our members spend their time together on discord even when we aren’t raiding.
Guild History:
Chaotic’s parent guild, Sin, is a guild formed in 2014 built on deep friendship bonds and a fiercely competitive spirit. What makes us different from the competition is our attention to detail in all aspects of the game. We believe that we embody the work hard play harder philosophy better than anyone. Over the years we have hosted a number of guild events in addition to our Cutting Edge raiding style. Events such as: guild poker night, guild drinking night and guild achievement run night. We have even had other major guild events such as a server-wide scavenger hunt with a 1 million gold grand prize. For that reason we believe that community is a main component of who we are and what sets us apart. We aren’t simply the guild that logs on for raid and nobody sees each other until the next raid. Our recent guild reunion in Miami speaks to that.
At any rate if you have made it this far and like what you hear i’d say to give us a try. If you simply want to play with some of the best, have a few beers and slay some dragons I promise we won’t disappoint.
Definitely interested in strong DPS.
< Milkshake > is a newly-formed but fully-experienced 3-day progression guild on Area 52 Horde looking to build a strong roster to dive into Shadowlands. Created by individuals who ran CE + Hardmode progression guilds in the past with a Raid Leader with multi-CE experience. We are returning to pick it back up and carve out our name on the server. Get in on the ground floor of a progression guild forming right before a new expansion.
RETURNING PLAYERS AND REROLL WELCOME. We can chat about your experience.
Raid Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday @ 8est - 11est
We are a group of adults who have real lives outside of WoW but want to take the time we do set aside to kill pixels seriously. Offering a non-toxic or hostile environment, we do have higher expectations for individuals looking to actively participate in progression content.
- Be raid ready. You are expected to come with all the enchants and spending the required time between raids to perfect and better your character. If you are looking to raid log, we are not the guild for you.
- Research the fights. We will give the key points before fights but fully expect anyone on a fight roster to be already aware of the fight. We will supply the sources to research but you have to leverage them.
- Always stay updated on your class. There are many ways to “stay in the know” for your class. Discord, websites, etc. The expectation is that you are staying up to date with changes to stay as optimal as possible.
- Be a team player. We will have a roster over 20 and fights may dictate needing different compositions. You may sit out on progression if you do not have a class or role that can be shifted in.
- Don’t be a jerk. We have zero tolerance for racism, sexism, or any bigoted topics. We are looking to foster a strong community that will grow and transverse games. Don’t be a jerk or we will gladly show you the door.
Still around after that? Perfect! We are looking for strong players that are looking to work as a team and push content at a swift pace.
What do we offer?
- Progression-focused atmosphere. We are built on, by, and around pushing cutting edge content without the drama. The goal is Cutting Edge, so let’s get there having a good time.
- We will help you prepare. We will compile the information you need to know about the encounter mechanics. We will spend the time investigating the best strategies. You just need to learn them.
- Strong Mythic+ community. Most of the core of the guild are strong Mythic+ runners, living in the top 1-50 ranks. We have to do something between raids, right?
- No Drama. We have a firm stance against drama. We are paying to have a good time and we plan on the guild reflecting that goal.
- Be an integral part. You won’t be a number. The guild functions on a council and direction from the Mythic Raider team. There is full transparency, you help dictate the direction of every element of the guild.
Current Needs:
** = High Need
Tank: Closed.
Melee DPS: Low
Ranged DPS: High
**Mage: Any spec
**Warlock: Any spec
**Hunter: BM/MM
Balance Druid
Shadow Priest
Healer: Low
All strong player should apply!
Join our Discord: discord.gg/kPrwM WYjW7
(remove the spaces)
Feel free to reach out:
Discord: Seanishly#3666
BattleNet: Monster#15141
Target Capped [A] of Stormrage is a new semi hardcore mythic raiding guild that is looking to build up a solid team of raiders for SL! We created this guild with the mindset of enjoying our time together while killing bosses efficiently and earning CE as effectively on a 9-hour raid schedule as possible. We strive to communicate our goals with each other in a collaborative and professional atmosphere. Our players are also open to criticism, both received and given, and you must be able to do both.
Right now, we have several people rerolling, leveling new characters, etc. so if you want to get in on the ground floor of a new team, we might just be the perfect fit for you!
Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday
7:00PM-10:00PM EST
Contact Info:
Unicornslyer#1461(Discord and Bnet)
We look forward to hearing from you!
Hey Grummz!
Sloppy Seconds (SS) is recruiting raiders for our mythic roster in Shadowlands. We are the second mythic team in Inside Voices located on Stormrage, finishing out 10/12 M NYA, only a few months after forming. We consist of mature and active guild/raid members who like to have a good time in our process of overcoming new challenges. We are looking for raiders who are prepared for every single fight, proactive on min/maxing their dps/hps or general utility, and prioritize the success of the team first! We aim to reach end-game progression in each tier, with our focus on achieving Cutting Edge. We are focused on a constructive, yet competitive environment to foster positive and rapid improvement across all of our raiders.
Primary Recruitment Needs:
Healers: Holy Paladin, Restoration Shaman, Discipline Priest pref; however will consider all healers.
Ranged DPS: Warlock, Shadow Priest
Minor Recruitment Needs:
Tanks: All exceptional tanks will be considered
Melee DPS: Enhancement Shaman, Demon Hunter, or Death Knight
Ranged DPS: Boomkin, Elemental Shaman
We are currently recruiting for all roles and will consider talent regardless of your class/spec. Please do not feel discouraged to apply if you are not amongst the priority classes listed above.
Raid Schedule: (6 hours/week)
[Sloppy Seconds Mythic/Heroic] Tues/Wed - 9:30PM to 12:30AM EST (6:30-9:30 PM PST). We may also be adding in Sunday as we continue to fill out our roster.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions and hope to hear from you!
BTag: skrillareave#1502
Discord: skrillareave#3104
Hey there! We are on the hunt for a Sub rogue for our raid team! Check us out