Returning Resto Sham LF core healer spot - have logs - 2 night pref

I’ve just returned from a break since BoDA and I’m looking for a new home due to raid time reasons. I’m open to Horde, but would prefer to stay Alliance. Ideally looking for a guild with 4/8M+ current progression. Originally I was only looking for a PST based guild, but an EST based guild can also work for me, sorry for the repeat thread.

I’ve been raiding since BC, but my raid experience this expansion is:
7/8M Uldir
6/9M BoDA

8:00pm-1:00pm PST Sun-Thurs
6:00pm-11:00pm EST Any day

You can find my logs for Uldir & BoDA here:

Hi Sinnoh,

Parable is recruiting for our raid team. We are transitioning from a Heroic focused guild to a Mythic one. We raid Wed/Thurs 8-11pm eastern. We are relatively laid back, but want to push as far into Mythic as we can. We were 2/8M in Uldir, up to 5/9M in BoD and currently 4/8M in EP and looking for a deeper push. If you are interested in helping us push forward, let us know. More info on us below. Message me on Discord or hit up an officer on bnet.

If interested contact on Battlenet:
Iliuvatar#1905 - GM
Crusadan#1192 - Officer
Apollymi#1215 - Officer
Dupe#11171 - Officer
Or PM me on Discord (Iliuvatar#8663)

Website -

Who We Are
Parable is shifting focus from Heroic to Mythic raiding. We have had success in Mythic this expansion and are looking to add the final pieces to the puzzle. Our immediate goal is to have a team of 25 players who can play at a high level on a limited schedule. Most of us have played for years, but have full time jobs, families, or other commitments. We therefore look to do the most with our time. If you are looking for a fun group and a raid team that is extremely reliable, we are the guild for you. Prefer players 21+.


Team Mentality
We are a team first guild. We value team progression over individual accomplishments. We are in it together. Therefore trades are abundant, most players donate to the bank, we help each other to improve and we create an environment that allows players to grow and improve. We don’t have time for elitist mentalities.

We expect players to know their class. This means best in slot items, best azerite traits, ideal talents, etc. Players should know how to sim their toons/gear. Players should remain competitive with their HoA level and we encourage guildies to complete a +10 key each week. Players should make all raid nights barring emergencies, research all boss fights in advance, and show up gemmed, enchanted and in discord.

Mythic raiding is a commitment and it requires a strong group with good chemistry. It is important that our raiders can make at least 90% of the raids. We are hoping to build a strong bench to fill in in the case of absences. We will always understand if a change in work schedule or an emergency occurs. Outside of that, consistency is extremely important.

Players should perform at a competitive level. They should have the hang of raid fights within a few pulls and be able to adjust on the fly. Players should be aware of their utility and be able to utilize it. We generally hope players can pull a minimum of 80% of their sim. We do our best to help struggling players should they need it.

Other Perks
We have a very active Mythic plus crowd, with many running M10-15 each week.
We have a donation incentive system called Parable+
We have a website and a facebook page
We provide feasts, flasks and potions for our raiders
Our discord is active
We get to know our raiders and build a tight-knit community.

About us:

Sargeras Alliance. We formed during Legion and were pushing mythic content right out the gate. We recently moved as a core to alliance on Sargeras from Horde Illidan. We believe this to be beneficial to us long-term and since the entire core was on board we decided to go through with the move! We believe in having fun as a priority, but Cutting Edge is our goal!

Weds 11pm-2am Server (9pm-midnight PST)
Thurs 11pm-2am Server (9pm-midnight PST)

What We Are Looking For:
Fun is definitely our motivating factor (which is why we agreed as a whole to step away from the game when players did not find it fun). A large factor though is definitely progression and seeing as much content as possible. We are seeking players with a positive attitude that understand an error correction is not a personal attack.

Current Progression:

8/8H 3/8M (Ashvane at 1%)

Classes Needed:
We currently are seeking DPS

My Bnet: ChugsBleach#1280

Having a few final looks to see what else is out there.

hey sin, we could really use a resto shamman. we raid tuesdays and Thursdays from 8pm to 11pm EST. we are 4/8 working on 5th. if you like more info feel free to add me.


Hi Sinnoh, if you can swing a slightly earlier raid time, we’re looking to add a rsham to our core.

<The Veil> 3/8M 8/8H is a raiding guild on Stormrage-US. We aim to push progression within a competitive 2-day (6 hour) schedule while still maintaining a fun and positive atmosphere. We treat each other with respect, seek high performance, excellent game-play and a positive attitude. Drama and toxic behavior are not tolerated here.

Raiding only 2 nights a week means we want our players to be the best they can be. Our members have families, careers, and studies, so we need to take the 6 hours we spend together seriously.

We also run Mythic + most days of the week. For some of us pushing high level keys is our primary WoW focus, but we also strive to make sure our raiders are getting their capped weekly rewards.

Raid Schedule:

Tuesday: 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm (EST/server time)
Thursday: 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm (EST/server time)

Optional: Farm content re-clears (pending participation)

You must be able to reliably make the core raid nights with near 100% attendance. Real life does occasionally hit even the most reliable raider, all we ask is for as much notice as possible.

Current Needs:

We strive for an environment that takes the challenges of mythic raiding seriously while giving the content the respect it deserves. Our aim is, as all mythic teams, full clear of content but with always keeping the friendly spirit of camaraderie alive. We do not require mythic raid experience to join our team but we do expect mythic-level dedication and accountability from all of our raiders. You must be able to take constructive criticism and have ownership over your level of play, and be willing to put in the effort to be a contribution to the team.

We want someone that is going to put forth their best effort. This means knowing your class inside and out, coming to raid prepared with food, flask, runes, re-roll tokens, knowledge of upcoming encounters and your role within them. We are looking for someone who can think on their own and follow a strategy without being constantly reminded throughout the encounter.

Heals – preference for Holy pally or Resto shammy

Ranged DPS – all (preference for boomkin, ele sham, warlock)

Melee DPS – all (preference for DH, WWmonk, ret paly)

Tanks – back-up tank (preference for dk, paladin, warrior)

Exceptional players of any class should always feel free to apply. Our roster is somewhat flexible so we will never turn away a great player. We just want the best 20+ people in our raid so we can progress.

What we expect from you:

** Discord and a working mic is a requirement **

  • Be punctual, reliable, and competent
  • Have a good attitude towards raiding. While we do our best to have fun, our goal is to use our time efficiently and effectively.
  • Have the ability to take constructive criticism. We all make mistakes but repeating mistakes is the bane of progression. Understand your mistakes, learn from them and fix them.
  • Bring consumables: We expect raiders to bring flasks, potions, and some food in case we don’t provide feasts. While we may not pre-pot or food buff on initial pulls, it is expected that during serious attempts, all raiders are maximizing their output.

Our trial period is 2-3 weeks and in that time we consider a several factors - Performance, Situational Awareness, and Fit/Attitude/Attendance. Performance is your output (DPS/healing/threat). Situational Awareness is your ability to not take unnecessary damage and correctly execute fight mechanics. Fit/Attitude/Attendance is how well you fit in with the guild, your outlook on raiding, and your reliability in raids.

Please contact an officer for further information.

In-game: Cattiari | Btag: quirk#1650 | Discord: tipsqueak#6606

In-game: Deathtoany | Btag: cloud82#11941 | Discord: cloud82#5884

Thanks for reading, and we look forward to meeting some great new recruits!

Core heal spot open:

<Heroes of Fight Club> est. 2009
Server: Alliance US Sargeras PVP
Raid times (server, central time):
Fri 8:30pm - 11:30pm CST / 9:30p - 12:30a EST
Sun 6:00pm - 9:00pm CST / 7-10p EST
**Optional Sat 2:00 - 4:00p CST / 3:00-5:00p EST for Heroic clear

We are a progression oriented guild working with a casual schedule (only 6h of scheduled raiding a week). The goal is to achieve Cutting Edge for Mythic content each active tier.

Seeking high skilled and serious players for BfA. High priority: Healers, DPS


  • Tier 23: 9/9M (Cutting Edge)
  • Tier 22: 7/8M
  • Tier 21: 11/11M AtBT (Cutting Edge)
    -Tier 20: 6/9M ToS
    -Tier 19: 8/10M NH, 7/7M EN (Cutting Edge), 3/3H ToV
    -Tier 18: 13/13M HFC (Cutting Edge)

bnet: doodle#1637