~Illidan~ Returning to game rdruid lf mythic guild
I am a currently gearing (452 ilvl) resto druid looking to get back into the mythic raid scene. I have a few years of mythic raiding experience as a healing officer, and have been playing healing classes since my first raid in Wotlk. Ideally wanting to join a guild that will allow me to go to heroics to help me gear, with a group of people that put having fun and killing bosses first.
Notable Accomplishments
- Healing officer of “Subject to Change” - Sargeras
- Cutting Edge: Xavius
- Cutting Edge: Gul’dan
Warcraft Logs
(Replace the , in ",com" with a period, it will make the link work. forums wont allow links :/ )
- Resto Shaman NH
- Mythic warcraftlogs,com/character/us/sargeras/leaztide?zone=17&new=true#zone=11&metric=hps (Gul’dan Mythic kill on 7.2.5+)
- Heroic warcraftlogs,com/character/us/sargeras/leaztide?zone=17&new=true#zone=11&metric=hps&difficulty=4
- Mistweaver Monk EN
Mythic warcraftlogs,com/character/us/sargeras/leazure?zone=17&new=true#zone=10&metric=hps&difficulty=5
Heroic warcraftlogs,com/character/us/sargeras/leazure?zone=17&new=true#zone=10&metric=hps&difficulty=5