Returning player here, used to be/still am the GM of Triggered on Dalaran, we fell apart on mythic SOD Painsmith mostly due to roster issues/burnout. I am currently looking for a home to raid with in S4 and into Dragonflight. Primarily looking for a 2 night mythic guild that has some CE experience as I want to push in Dragonflight to get back to cutting edge raiding.
I have CE experience on my mage back in Legion with CE KJ and Argus, and I was the primary raid lead for Triggered in Shadowlands on my druid. I can provide logs for Legion and Shadowlands as necessary, but if you want to look them up my toons names were:
CN and SOD - Fookerz-Dalaran
EN and Nighthold - Firebish-Dalaran
ToS and Antorus - Firebish-Turalyon
Currently looking to play ranged DPS. I am very comfortable on mage and boomkin and have logs for both. That said, I feel I could probably pick up any ranged class if needed and currently have been casually pvping on warlock (most geared atm). Let me know if you are looking to add a solid ranged DPS to your roster for s4!
Contact Information (Prefer Discord):
Discord - Fooks#2471
Bnet - Fooks#11985