Returning raider LF raiding guild

As the subject like states I’m returning to the game after taking tbcc off due to changing careers. I have several max level characters ready to level into wotlk with. I played all of them during live back in 2008-2010.

My available days to raid would be Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.

I am a very active player and plan on taking 2 weeks off from work for launch, I have no specific plans for a main although I’m leaning towards enhance/resto shaman, prot/holy pally, or feral tank Druid. Please let me know if you want to talk in discord and see if I might be a good fit for your guild/group!


Greetings Baradram! Rested XP is looking for Druids/DPS for Wrath. Our group will raid on Saturdays and maybe Sunday evenings. Raid signup sheet is available via Discord. Visit our Discord at