Returning Raider LF Guild

Previous Semi Hardcore - Hardcore Raider returning to the PVE scene.
Currently 410 Item Level able to play Holy or Disc Priest.

Currently my schedule allows for early afternoon to evening raiding, up to 12pm EST.

For anymore questions feel free to get ahold of me via Battletag: Aero#12214

First, Thank you for looking at our posting! If you have questions, Please contact me directly Frozenwing#1670 on Bnet… or frozenwing#0516 on Discord.


Recruitment Needs

Warlocks / Mages / Holy pally / Resto shaman / A strong tank as well other exceptional players can considered

About Us

We are of Durotan/Ysera . We are a Mythic Raiding Guild with a goal (But not a need) for CE. The guild has been around since Vanilla and was the result of a merging in the two top guilds on the server. With no plans to go anywhere. We are mostly former hardcore raiders that simply cannot raid 4-5 nights a week anymore due to Family / Career / etc… So we decided to raid on the weekends. And have been ever since MoP.

Raid Times (All Times Are Eastern)

Tuesday (optional): 8PM until about 10PM (heroic / farm content only) [Normal / heroic when applicable]
Friday (progression): 7:45PM until 11PM
Saturday (progression): 7:45PM until 11PM

Contact Us

Please contact me with any and all questions you may have… you can catch me on my bnet anytime… or on discord at the information im leaving below.

Frozenwing-Durotan (Guild Master) [Frozenwing#1670 - Bnet] or [Frozenwing#0516 - Discord]
Killerthings#1670 bnet - recruitment assistant.
Tristaris-Durotan (Officer)

Thank you, Looking forward to hearing from you.

Frozenwing -GM

Relinquished (7/9M BoD & past CE experience leadership) Horde / Illidan / US. A newly formed guild: Our mission is to build a team for 8.2 and beyond with high CE potential.

Raid times : Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, 9:00PM - 12:00AM EST (8:00PM - 11:00PM Server). We do not add raid days or extend time. With the possible progression exception. While multiple specs / classes are not necessary, they are highly desired and will add to your competitive value. However we do welcome all alts!

Currently looking for Heals & Ranged DPS to build out our core (All other exceptional players will be considered). We look for raiders who have past/current CE experience, those who are currently progressing through or finishing M BoD, and other exceptional players!

Our raiders are expected to hold a near 100% attendance; but we understand real life comes first. Your attendance will be associated with your raid spot, and those who frequently miss should expect this to effect your spot.

Community means a lot to us! As a guild we seek people who are active outside raid times. From M+ to PvP, Old Achievement runs, and just plain old discord toxicity there are many ways for you to engage with us!

For contact: Btag - Berzzerk#1338 or srdb#1102. Discord: Berzzerk#4516 or Whatsfordin#0375.

Exiled is an AOTC focused raiding guild located on the server Turalyon. While our focus is AOTC, we will dabble in Mythic raiding once all content has been cleared. We are currently 9/9H BoD and 2/2H CoS looking to start pushing into Mythic BoD as the roster allows.

RAID TIMES: Currently we raid Wednesday and Thursday from 8pm-10pm est.

RAID EXPECTATIONS: Our raid times are short, so during those 2 hour windows want to be pulling. Due to our time constraints we dont want to have to explain every encounter with every pull. Discord in between pulls is typically laughing and joking around, but during the pull communication is focused on what we are doing. We expect you to come prepared with everything you will need for the encounter i.e. pots, watching videos, and properly enchanted/gems. We provide most everything except for your pots, all you need to do is ask.

ATMOSPHERE OUTSIDE OF RAID: We are a guild comprised of mostly late 20s to late 30s year old working adults. We all are typically in discord joking around with each other posting memes or picking on the Demon Hunter. Our sense of humor tends towards the dark side, so really nothing you say will offend anyone. Most of us are on almost every night running mythic plus, leveling alts, or just hanging out playing other games.

Needs: We are looking for a 2-3 more healers and DPS. However if the atmosphere sounds like something your interested in, we are always recruiting social players.

If any of this sounds interesting to you please dont hesitate to contact me on discord: taurast#9407 or bnet: taurast#1518 or Nicknac on discord/bnet: theblizzur#1777
Good luck Have fun and Sorry about your key!

Hi Aero,

Not sure if you are looking for Heroic or Mythic, or if you are willing to go alliance, but check out our info below.

Retaliation is a heroic progression guild that has been raiding and PvPing in various games for over 10 years. We enjoy giving each other a hard time while still being successful.

Retaliation raids on Tuesday and Wednesday nights 8 PM to 10 PM ET. We have an alt night of Sundays at 7 PM ET. We use Discord for voice communication and go with a work hard play hard mentality.

More details - Retaliation Recruiting

Please if interested reach out to Isego#1586

Hey Aero!!

Phobos is a guild on Zul’jin Horde looking to add more members for BoD and the future! We formed just this tier but already have a strong unit. We want to ultimately be one of the top 2-day guilds on our server. We value improvement over perfection, not expecting our players to instantly be perfect but instead be committed to improving something each pull. We aren’t an elitist mentality - we play the game to kill our pixel dragons and kill them quick, but we also want to have our fair share of laughs along the way.

About Us

We view ourselves as a community first and a raid team second. We run M+ daily with a variety of people looking to push keys as well as those who just want to get their weekly +10 done. Members also play a variety of games outside of WoW, giving something for everyone!

Raid Team Info

We are currently 5/9M 1/2H and raid Tuesday and Wednesday, 8-11 Eastern (also server time). Our recruiting needs are listed below. If you don’t see your class listed as a need we always consider any exceptional players. The team currently sits around 25 people, but the classes listed below are specs we want for higher flexibility and better composition. A third tank would also provide value, assuming you are willing to compete for a spot and not be handed one. We take the “best 20” to progression, so if you feel you could be one of the best 20 feel free to apply regardless of class or need.


  • Warlock

  • Shadow Priest

  • Balance Druid

  • Mage

  • Hunter

  • Rogue

  • Any type of healer

Contact Info

If Phobos sounds like something you might be interested in feel free to contact me at Vendir#6664 on Discord (preferred option) or Vendir#1631 on BattleNet. Whether you choose Phobos or another guild I hope you find what you’re looking for and that you have a great day, week, tier, and life!

Hey Aerolight! Would love to chat about joining us! Let me know what you think!

< Quantum > [H] is a new-ish AOTC guild who is looking to push into CE territory on the Illidan server. We strive to hit AOTC each tier, and have done so within the first two weeks on a consistent basis. We have a solid core, and are looking to add a few key spots to hopefully start shooting for Cutting Edge beginning in 8.2! We are currently 1/9M and 2/2H.

RAID TIMES: We currently raid on Tuesday and Thursday nights, from 8:30PM - 11:30PM Server Time (CST).

RAID EXPECTATIONS: We expect you to come prepared to each raid night. This means having gems and enchants, any personal consumables you may need, and most importantly, knowing the mechanics for each encounter. Raiding only two nights a week, we like everyone to know the encounter so we can limit constant explanations between pulls.

ATMOSPHERE OUTSIDE OF RAID: Very laid back group of guys and gals. A lot of us are college kids, so at times we do have outside commitments for classes and exams. Another handful of us are mid 20’s-30’s working adults. Off nights you can find us running / selling M+, alt raids or even the guild PVP session. We all have a great sense of humor and love chatting and memeing in Discord.

Needs: We are looking to round out our core progression roster. We have a solid core of 15-16 players, and would like to add a handful to help progress further in Mythic. Looking for an exceptional healer (rdruid, rsham) and a few great DPS; but all classes and players would be considered!

What you can expect: Flasks and food will be provided during progression raids. Repairs are also provided. Everyone will help ensure you get your M+10 done every week. Exceptional players may also run in our M+ carries for additional income. Expect to be welcomed into a fun yet focused environment! Bring extra gold for gambling between pulls :wink:

Logs are great, but not required. If any of this sounds interesting to you, let us know! We’d love to have you tag along for a run and see how the fit is. You can reply here, or message me on Ekoh#1469 or on Discord Kiche#5313.