Returning Prot Pally LF Casual Raiding Alliance

Hey there,
I recently returned to WoW and am looking for a casual raiding guild. Due to my new job my days are limited to tues/thurs on what I can raid on. Any time during those days is fine though. I last raided during Uldir where I went 5/8m back then. I’m not looking for a guild that’s goal is to get CE anymore, I’d rather just have a fun experience where I can grow with a raid team and shoot for AOTC with maybe a few mythic kills thrown in.

Hi there Holy!

First off, thank you for taking the time to read my post.

:dragon_face:My name is Kanielese and i am the GM of Dracarys Productions on Bleeding-Hollow(HORDE).

Back in March/April this year, me and my officers decided to server xfer our main toons to another guild we had been raiding with due to personal life things going on. After a few months of raiding with them and achieving AOTC in BOD and COS with them (also progressed through Normal and some Heroic EP with them) I decided to come back to my guild to try and rebuild up the community i was trying to make in the first place.

What the guild is about:
~Fun, Friendly, Engaging community in helping its members
~We areClassic came out and by than so have most guild achieved their AOTC/started Mythic raiding. AOTC focused (may decide to dip our feet into mythic runs later)
~We enjoy running Mythic keys and pushing them, so more core members would be better
~ We have our casual nights where we run xmog/mount/achievement stuff
~Alt runs
~We do some PVP (Bg’s, WPVP, etc)

For my core members:
~I expect everyone to understand basic mechanics and do research (We will help people learn them more however)
~Be patient and respectful of other members
~Help throughout the week farm mats (Herbs, Gems, Food items,etc.)
~Be able to take criticism as well as dish it out

For Casual Members:
~Be engaging with the guild (Talking in GC, etc.)
~Help farm mats for GB
~Do not be afraid to ask for help
~Help others out

Currently for core Raid team:
TANKS (Would like BM Monk, Guardian druid or Prot Pally/ Open to other ideas though)-Need solid tanks (DPS off spec though)
Healers(NEED ALL)

We currently raid Tuesday/Thursday 8:30-11:30pm EST (with 1 break at 10) But times/Days can be negotiated/will be reconsidered to match core members schedules

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. You may contact me on bnet/discord (I am always available)
