Returning Priest (Shadow) LF Casual Raiding Guild (Normal/Heroic)

Hey all,

After a long break from the game, I’m back and looking to find a more casual home. Currently playing on Stormrage. I used to be a hardcore player back during The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King, primarily playing as a healer but I’ve been out of the game since then and now prefer a more laid-back approach.

I’m currently maining a Shadow Priest and am looking for a guild that focuses on Normal and Heroic raid progression. My raid availability is most evenings from 6 PM to 11 PM EDT, and I’m eager to get back into the swing of things without the pressure of cutting-edge progression.

If your guild has room for a returning veteran who’s focused on enjoying the content and contributing to a solid, friendly raid environment, hit me up!

Thanks, Ézreth
alt+0201 on numpad for the É

good morning saw your post and thought id throw some info your way. I am recruiting for a once per week aotc and glory group. We are 2 healers to fill open slots and would definitely have a spot for you. We do only raid once a week on saturdays, dont know if that would work for you. Here’s some of our info if your interested:

The Guild
Currently Online has been around since 2014 and is a mainly adult community. We have multiple raid groups pushing all kinds of content. From normals to heroics and M+ pushes. We have many players that have been a part of our guild for a long time. Newcomers and Pros welcome alike.

Currently looking for our new Heroic AoTC and Glory of the raider team, Azerothian Avengers or AA for short. Our Raid lead has 8/8 Heroic, AoTC. Saturdays 930pm-1230a EST.

if your interested please feel free to reach out to me.
Tecfall (discord)
Tecfall#1631 (battletag)

Hello there. We are a group of older aged wow players in a guild called Synchronicity. Very laid back. We have a lot of different styles of players. Raiders,mythic+ lovers, mount collectors, mog lovers etc. Real life always comes first and zero preasure to log in. Our Raids are Friday evening and so far sunday mid day. Attendance is not mandatory. So if you miss a week there is no stress.
If you would like more information my discord is
megs8288. Good luck in finding your new home!

Good Afternoon Ézreth-

I saw your post and wanted to reach out to you. We are an AoTC focused group and love to run keys. I will link our post here and hope to hear back from you. Let me know if you have any questions. I linked my discord as well.

Killpop: @killpop9932

Hello Ézerth, We over at “Good Enough” are a casual AOTC Guild who is looking for ranged DPS currently. We are 8/8N and 4/8H with our raid times being 8-11Pm EST. We are also pushing Keys pretty much daily. We normally have a group or two going for it consistently during peak hours. All of this stuff with no pressure of perfection in the parssing department. Any questions please reach out.
Discord: Ionlydrinkwater
BNet: iitzwater#1690