Returning Priest (currently shadow) LF Casual Guild (Norma/Heroic Raiding)

Hey all,

After a long break from the game, I’m back and looking to find a more casual home. I used to be a hardcore player back during The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King, primarily playing as a healer. I even managed to snag a couple of top 10 world kills in WoTLK, but I’ve been out of the game since then and now prefer a more laid-back approach.

I’m currently maining a Shadow Priest and am looking for a guild that focuses on Normal and Heroic raid progression. My raid availability is most evenings from 6 PM to 11 PM EDT, and I’m eager to get back into the swing of things without the pressure of cutting-edge progression.

If your guild has room for a returning veteran who’s focused on enjoying the content and contributing to a solid, friendly raid environment, hit me up!

Thanks, Ézreth
alt+0201 on numpad for the É

Hi ,“Insanity Raiding” (18+) may be a good fit for you. We are a large Casual Progressive (non CE, but if time allows may dip into some light Mythic if players want) that has been rebuilding our raid team and we are a totally non-benching guild. Our raid is Tues/Wed 7:45-10pm EST. We also have a number of members aged 50+ and members can do pretty much anything they want here from M+, delves, TWs, some PVP (BGs- not-rated), transmog, mount, pet runs, questing, etc. If we sound like the perfect home for you, Please use guild-finder (under raid, not social tab) and apply directly to “Insanity Raiding” and we will invite you through there. My WIM doesn’t always pick up unusual spellings at all, nor does trying to write them out help.