Returning players looking for a new guild to call home and do content with (LF AOTC & M+)

My partner and I recently returned to Wow after years of not playing. We are looking to get into AOTC/heroic oriented raiding again with the upcoming expansion as well as mythic + and are in search of a guild that will fit both of our schedules. We are looking for something more laid back and welcoming to all people of every variety (I am a queer female and will not accept a toxic environment). As a balance druid I was pushing 20+ keys in the beginning of Shadowlands before I quit. My partner is a warlock and is considering switching to fire mage for the expansion, he is unsure at the moment. We can not raid past 12 am EST. We do not prefer weekends, but will consider them if the fit is right. (Note: the guild I’m in is my alt bank guild)

Hello Lunariya
My husband and I run a guild call Guild Name Unknown. I feel like you would be a great fit with us please feel free to add me to BN babiblu85#1527

Hello to both of you.

Our guild is based out of Area 52 but come today it wont matter cause can invite any one from any server across NA. Yeah we dont accept toxic stuff either and we deal with it as people tell us. Should never have to deal with that kinda stuff.

We do raid Wed/Thur from 9-11pm EST and we progress through Normal then Heroic. Check out our main info and see if we are a good fit for you both. Good luck in your adventures.