Returning players LFguild

Hey everyone. My husband and I are returning from a year break and we are looking for a new home. We are not looking for a raiding spot but we are interested in M+ dungeons. We have both been core raiders for a long time but now after our break, we have decided to take a step back from raiding full time. We have only been back a very short time so we are still gearing. Oh, yea our gear sucks lmao.

What we are after is a social/casual guild. A place that is more family than “okay recruit more ppl we need the numbers”. We don’t want to be just another number on your roster. We are at a point in our WoW lives that having fun and being around good people we like is more enjoyable than beating the current top tier raid boss.

We are currently on Whisperwind Alliance and Thrall Horde but we are actually looking for transfer off and find a new server. We have been on these two servers for quite a few years and we would like a change and fresh start.
We don’t mind playing either Horde or Alliance as long as the guild is a good fit for us.

We thank you for taking interest and the time to read, and hopefully respond to us.
Feel free to add me on Bnet: Blood#1697 or on Discord: Blood#4609.


Heya Blood,

Think Pak Cafan might be a great place for you two. We’re a Dalaran server start guild that was originally established back in EQ1 which means there’s a core of us that are, ah … seasoned. Yeah let’s go with that. Our members live across the continental US, with a few abroad, and we run our heroic progression/AOTC team twice a week.

While we do raid, that’s really not what we look for - the most important thing to us is finding good people, decent human beings, to play with. We are a very small guild at the moment. We’ve never been massive - like to keep the close knit family feel. The launch of Classic siphoned off a portion of our core raider population so we’ve got room for fresh new DPS and/or flex players who love to have fun whacking the heck out of boss mobs.

What we do:

  • Heroic Progression Raiding (AOTC focus)
  • M+/Expeditions
  • Achievement Runs
  • Treat each other like family
  • Have a good time

While we do like to explore light mythic progression that’s a call leadership makes depending upon raid comp and numbers and is not our primary focus. We raid W/TH 9-11:30pm ET and have already AOTC’d EP.

Give me a poke via Bnet or Discord and let’s chat!

Bnet: Peregryn#1292
Disc: Peregryn#6031

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Hey Pere, Thank you so much for getting back to me. I will definitely let my husband you about ya’ll. He is in the bed currently , has to be up at 3 am, so I will talk to him in the morning.

Sounds good, look forward to talking with you both.

Hi Bloodarrow,

My husband and I have a guild called The Killer Bunnies that is Alliance side on Duskwood/Bloodhoof. We run dungeons, do holiday content, time walkers, we plan to get that Deathwing anniversary mount etc.

We are also a heroic raiding guild that is in need of DPS (preference for ranged). We are a 2 raid night/week guild that raids evenings @ 9 to 11 pm est - Tuesday’s and Fridays. We are AOTC every raid and are currently 7/8 EP.

I also have a cross server group where you can meet us before transferring and even come along on raid/m+/fun run nights.

I will leave my contact info and look forward to talking with you later, Bloodarrow.
Bnet: Anaranae#1516
Discord: Anaranae#3307

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Hi Blood and spouse!

Found a Green Quest (Est. March 2018) a horde PVE guild with a cross-realm community is located on Zul’jin. We’re a small but growing fun, friendly, social family. We have a big focus on fun in and out of Azeroth.

We host community events such as fun contests, leveling groups, crazy mythics/dungeons/raids and more!

If you would like more information, have any interest or have any questions please reach out to me on here, or discord.

Real ID: Kiua#1912
Discord: Kiuayoukai#2395

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@ Anaranae and @ Kiuayoukai Thank you both for getting back to me. I will talk to the hubby and we will be going over guilds tonight.

I look forward to talking with everyone very soon.


It is so refreshing to see a response - even if you don’t pick us - I applaud your manners and courteousness.

:fairy:t3: Ana


Hey there Blood (and hubby!!)
We might be that great person-focused crew you’re looking for.

Some former hardcore raiders and a mix of casuals/returning make up our crew - we’re currently 3/8m and looking to see how far we can get.

We have plenty activity outside of raids with m+, alt runs, pvp, etc. Discords always moving, you’re more than welcome to join that before anything!

:slight_smile: Here’s that typical spam people love:
</ Same Plan, Less Dying /> is not your average guild.
We raid. We M+. We like each other. Not like like. Well…

Anywho! We’re a fun, social guild with an AotC focus that would love to add more solid people to our team. We are specifically looking for those who like progress without the elitist mentality. We’ve got players who have played together for years and will stay strong for plenty more. :grin:

What do we do??
Alt raids are Monday 8-11pm EST.
Progression nights are Tues & Thurs 8-11pm EST. (3/8M, 8/8H, 8/8 normal)

M+ are pretty much all day every day and some PVP here and there.
We run an active M+ community too. Guilded or not, you’re welcome to be added there. ^.^

Please add me to battle-net if you’re intrigued - I’d be very glad to talk! Saxx#1747

Hey Absolution. We will defiantly keep you in mind :slight_smile: . We will be going over guilds tonight and reaching out to those that have contacted me. In the mean time if you have any questions for us please feel free to ask. Look forward to talking with you.

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Fabulous, thank you for your reply!(= looking forward to it.

Hey there! I am recruiting for Lunácy-Thrall. We are a 4/8m guild with many active players doing m+! We are an adult community that enjoys having a good laugh while still being competitive in content! if interested you can add me on Bnet at Doublediesel#1362! Good luck with the search

Hey Doublediesel. I will let me hubby know about yall. I do think he is wanting to transfer off Whisperwind and Thrall tho, but we will for sure keep yall in mind :slight_smile:

Hi Bloodarrow
We always welcome players that want to enjoy the game with in our dysfunctional family. We are active outside of raid including Mythic plus, achievement hunters and even some pvp etc.

Dungeon Crawl is an Adult Raiding Guild on Illidan with a long history. Looking for players round out the Team.{8/8 Heroic 8/8 NormaL Eternal Palace } Experienced Raiders 420+ Raid Times T/TH 8-11 est. Fun Raiding while Progressing.
Get in touch with Mandalin #1731