Returning players LF Raiding Guild

Hello there! My brother and I are both returning players and about to hit 70. I play a Holy Pally and he plays a BM Hunter. We are looking for a helpful Guild on Area 52, horde side. We would like to get back into raiding and all that fun stuff but, all of our friends have quit playing and we find ourselves alone.

We would like to find a Guild that has open positions on a raid team for Thursdays and Fridays, either in the morning after 8am EST - 11am EST or in the afternoons around 6pm EST - 9pm EST for any other days that are not Thursday / Friday. We both work third shift and are only available on our days off, unless the Guild has a morning raid team that fits our availability.

Please feel free to msg me and or maybe we can talk on discord.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post!

Discord: Pillow#6329

Hey Nymphly, if open to another server, then I think we would be a great fit. Take a look at our spam and let us know!

Unfort. your raid times are not a good fit for us. 9pm EST is the latest we can be on because we work third shift and we start at 10pm EST. Thank you for replying to my post though.

Falkor is a newer guild that is looking for folk to join our community and raid teams. Right now we run two raid groups! We have mythic raiders leading each group that have decided to step away from the Mythic grind in order to have fun with the game. We also run M+ frequently throughout the week as well and random guild events.

Raid group 1
Tues/Thurs 830pm-11pm EST
Focusing on AoTc prog, killing a few Mythic bosses for vault drops, current prog 8/8 H, 2/8M
Current needs: DPS- Havoc DH, healers- Holy priest

Raid group 2
Fri/Sat 830pm Est-11pm Est
Focuses on casually clearing normal and heroic at a slower pace. Current prog 8/8H
Currently need: Anything you want to play.

Casuals and alts welcome as well.

For more information, please contact via disc:


We are an at the moment nameless and serverless reroll guild started by friends whose first and foremost priority will be to encourage a positive environment for playing a game that we all love. The goal of this new reroll guild is to start a community of like minded players looking for a fun experience and creating a space to make new friends as well as enjoy the new leveling experience before heading in to raiding. This reroll is not a race; new, experience, and casual players are all welcome. Play the game, hang out on discord, make new friends, and have fun!

We do not have a launch day yet. We are not doing staggered leveling caps. Leveling isn’t a race, but you can do it as fast or as slow as you prefer.

We will be offering free bags to everyone and guild repairs will be turned on when we start. Outside of leveling and raiding there will be more to do. At max level we will have m+ groups and pvp groups. We could even run old content for transmog, mounts, and achievements if there is enough people interested.

RAIDING?! Of course raiding is the goal. It would be a casual raid setting. 2-3 nights a week. The earliest our raid leader can raid is 8:30pm EST every night. I would like to wait and get opinions from everyone on what the nights and exact times should be. If we get to the point where we can and want to do mythic raiding I would still like to keep that as casual as possible.

If this sounds like something you are interested in please join us in discord. We already have a handful of people. :slight_smile: Help us pick a server, a name, and more!

[H] Frostmane Guild <Sir, This is a Wendys> LFM PLayers for Raid and Mythic Plus. We are looking for all roles and need you to help fill for next tier.
Please talk to me in game: chazavier#1432
Or Discord: chazavier#4512
We raid fri 8-11CST and Sat 9-12 CST