Returning players LF Guild

2 friends and myself are looking for relaxed yet focused Normal/Heroic raiding guild. We all have raiding experience from previous expansions. Looking for two nights week besides Fridays and Saturdays.

Our roles going into the TWW:
Myself as Blood/Unholy DK
1 Arcane Mage
1 Augmentation/Preservation Evoker

Looking forward to hearing from you all!


Hey Grumps,

Guild spam below.


Everything fun from AOTC+ progression raiding to push RBG’s, we do indeed have it all. Old school activities and the best guildies anywhere.
To be in the guild, we make no demands of anyone other than respect your mates. RBG push team and Prog raid team have requirements as expected.
Calendar Events:

  • Gold raffles monthly
  • Mythic Monday event for all 7pm CST weekly (need leader)
  • Casual current content raids Fri Sat 6-8pm CST for all
  • Progression AOTC+ raid team Tue Wed 8pm CST (seeking 2 more dps).
  • Old raid and dungeon night Thur 7pm CST each week
  • Push RBG team 8pm CST 2 nights a week
  • RBG’s for all 8pm CST 4 nights a week
    (seeking another pvp officer/recruiter for the guild).
  • Random pvp shenanigans
  • Annual transmog contest
  • Guild parties with mount give-aways twice a year

If interested, contact:
Bnet Raid Lead: Death#12773
Bnet: Stormy#1445
Discord: stormy1445
Or leave a message here.

Hi Grumbs!

We will be raiding Tues and Thurs starting at 10 PM Pacific. If that might work, please reach out!

Venomfang Cultists is a smaller, cross faction/cross realm guild on Emerald Dream, looking for more late night players for M+ and casual raiding. We are a mature, friendly guild, happy to help new or returning players with leveling and gearing up, and getting in M+ groups ASAP. Groups typically start forming 10 PM pacific, Midnight server time. All classes, specs, and skill levels are welcome. We will get KSM each season, but M+ is kept fun. Raiding even more so, with most members content to see the Raids…We are not an AOTC focused guild by any means. If you are a late night player looking for regular M+ groups, or just some folks to hang out with during late night play sessions, please consider joining us. You can message Willowthorn#1522 on Battle.Net, Shadethistle on Discord, or look for us in the in-game guild finder.

Hello Grumbs, Underground is heroic raiding and M+ guild getting off the ground for War Within. Members have been raiding together for years now. We are currently looking for DPS any class and spec are ok.
Raids Mon & Wed 7pm - 9:30pm PST

Anyone welcome even if you have no interest in raiding or M+.

If you are interested in joining us please contact us on Discord:

Hey Grumbs!

My brand new guild, is a One-day raid guilds with plans to clear normal then heroic! If the team wants to push into mythic after then we will try that!

We are cross faction and cross server! We are casual, raiding on one day and doing M+ and PvP on other days!

Raid is Monday 7-9:30 EST and we could use more dps and people who can flex from dps to tank or heal if needed!

Discord: Toystore


Ralvin from Activated here. Would love to chat. We are a laid back but serious Mythic progression group that is looking for just a few more dps and a solid healer to fill out our roster.

We run raids Monday / Wednesdays
6:30-9:30 PST
8:30-11:30 CST
9:30-12:30 EST

Friend and message me on Discord “.ralvin” if that sounds good.

Hello Grumbs
I think our guild Reluctance might be a good fit your you and your friends, our guild is a rebuilding guild with AOTC. Our raid nights are monday and unfortunaly friday but I sure we can work around it as its not a requirement to make both night. (nice if you could but life comes before wow)
Feel free to reach out to me or my co GM
GM- Ghostridder - Discord - ghostridder
Assistant GM - Keayara - Discord - keayara