Returning Players LF Guild - Found!

TL;DR - 3+ returning players LF Horde Guild with raiding, casual activities, and community. 2 previous Heroic raiders (MoP); 1 Holy Paladin (usually Ret off-spec), 1 probably a Hunter spec (raided on Hunter / Warrior previously). 3rd is a casual caster DPS stand-in lf community with us. Have some irl friends that may join us, but have not played before or are casual.

Update 5/13/20 10pm - Reached out to a few people and found a home for us, thanks all!

Returning to the game after a long hiatus with two good friends and weā€™re looking to get involved with a guild again. Unfortunately our previous raiding guild and friends either no longer raid / play, or itā€™s been too long and we canā€™t track them down. Weā€™re looking for a server with a good spread of raiding / progression guilds, a decent balance faction-wise for PvP / competition, and good population but wanted to post in here and get an idea of whatā€™s out there. Weā€™re currently Lightbringer Alliance due to our previous raiding team, but we all started Horde and want to return.

Iā€™m one of the raiders, typically on or Mistofavalon-Lightbringer (Same name / class on Turalyon as well) the other is and PlzHealMe-Lightbringer. Obviously itā€™s been a few years, and weā€™ve already started looking into the class changes and current meta, but our mechanics are solid and weā€™re eager to get up to speed before Shadowlands.

Weā€™re all East Coast, typically all of us are playing by around 6pm through 8p-1a depending on person / day / schedule, but raid times in the 6p-9p-ish timeframe would be ideal and most days other than Tuesday and Saturday (can flex Sat on occasion, but not a regular day). All around 30, pretty easy-going.

Not 100% sure what else I should be looking for or if there is other information people typically look for, so hit me up.

Cupcakes and BDSM is now recruiting to fill our raid slots on Thrall (Horde)

(Heals and ranged dps preferred but all are welcome)

Raid Times/Days: Wednesday/Thursday 10pm - 12am (EST) and a second raid on Sunday/Monday - 10pm - 12am (EST)

Recruitment Contacts: Discord - AwesomeIsMatt#1304 or Saraid#2102

About us - We are a newly formed mature guild looking for anyone who wants to play the current content in a chill environment. We want to have fun getting to know each other, grow our community, make friends, while pushing the current content casually. Our goal is to build a community of tight knit guildies to then push Mythic content in Shadowlands.

We run keys, old content, WQ together, we pretty much do everything the game offers and have fun. We also hold guild events for awards.

New and verteran players are welcome as well. We level, dungeon, help gear and just have fun. Any questions, feel free to send a PM.

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We have spots for all of you potentially, with the paladin able to play their choice of holy or ret.

-Self Imposed Hardmode- of Area 52 is currently recruiting to fill out our mythic raid team. We are currently 12/12 Heroic and 3/12 Mythic. Our raiders range from new to mythic to CE raider with everything in between. We believe that you donā€™t need to have previous mythic experience to be able to play in current mythic content, just the desire to work hard and have fun doing so.


Tuesday/Wednesday from 8:00pm ā€“ 11:00pm EST

Outside of raid:

We have an incredibly active mythic plus community outside of raid time with multiple 2500+ Io players as well as an active PvP community. We also enjoy old content raids, and generally just hanging out and having a good time with each other.


460+ ilvl for mythic, 430 ilvl for heroic

Rank 10+ cloak

Working headset and the ability to communicate



We currently have OPEN recruitment on all DPS classes with special interest in the following:

Ret Paladin
Demon Hunter (tanking OS a plus)
Death Knight (tanking OS a plus)

If interested please contact:

Bnet - Shado#11187
Discord - Shado#0820

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Hey there! If youā€™re not looking for an immediate progression spot, youre welcome to come hang out with us. We do have a mythic raid team that raids Wed and Thu, but we also do weekly heroic runs, M+'s, Transmog runs and the such, with an active discord.
I will drop a link to our recruitment post below. Let me know if we seem like a good fit, or if you have any questions.

hit me up on discord Sny#0322 or on BN toogr82h8#1567

I think our guild aligns with you perfectly.

Hi Mistsiege!

It is rare to see a post which not only has an enjoyable amount of detail, but resonates with what weā€™ve been doing for 13+ years.

Arm of Hades is a community of adults who enjoy competent drama-free raiding on a lighter schedule (Wed/Thurs 8:00-10:30 EST).

Weā€™re huge on Casual activities, like clearing previous tier Metas, older Mythic raids for mounts, Mythic+ dungeons, alt raiding, and even just hanging on Discord playing party games and trivia :slight_smile:

Weā€™ve even had 10 annual reunions, where 15-25 guildies drive/fly in for a week of hiking, adult beverages, board games, and bonfires.

Weā€™re looking for quality people who also happen to be solid players, and have a community built around that mind set. Our demographic is 26-46, adult professionals who have lives outside of WoW, but still want to feel like they are part of a gaming home.

For The Horde, of course!

Looking forward to chatting. Add me on Btag: Shtanky#1492 or on Discord: Shtanky#4568

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Wet Wet is recruting!
Our goal is to create an environment where EVERYONE can have fun, meet new friends, and raid in a laid back, yet competitive atmosphere. Our ultimate raiding goal is to create a core team this tier and clear CE next tier.
We raid fri 8-11/Sat 7-10

Message me here,
In game on Kohinah!
Or add my battle net Haunted#1305 for more info!
Discord Saffy San#6994

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Feel free to hit me up. Horde side malganis 2 daysa week 8-12 est pm.


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Thanks everyone so far for the posts and information! Iā€™ve reached out to a few people with friend requests and PMs that looked like they closely aligned with what weā€™re looking for. Iā€™m also double-checking on a few things like how late we can reasonably raid together to make sure the best information for guilds looking at us is here and will update that as soon as I can.

Havenā€™t yet settled on anything, so if youā€™re still seeing this feel free to post or reach out to me!

< Do Not Release> [H] on Bleeding Hollow is recruiting for our new mythic team! We are a two night, mythic raiding guild who are starting fresh
Raid Times: Wednesday and Friday- 07:00PM EST to 10:00PM EST.
Current Progression: 12/12H AoTC
Current Needs:
Tank: Open
Melee DPS: Open
Ranged DPS: Open - All, with preference to Fire Mage
Healer: Open
Guild Requirements: Prefer 80+ heart and Rank 15 cloak.
Come prepared to raid with anything you may need for the night, and arrive 15 min early. Food, flask, repairs and enchants are provided as needed once trial period is over.
We have been around since BC, with some having been around since vanilla. For the first couple tiers, we were primarily focused on AoTC achievement. This tier, we began to make the transition to a CE focused guild. and prepare for Shadowlands. We like to think we are a very unique guild, that labels themselves more as a community.
Our members all joke around, and have fun both in raid and out. Many of us play multiple other games together on off nights, as well as pushing M+. For this reason, we look for good fits to join our community.
Would love to chat a little more with you and see if we are a good match!
Recruitment Officer: Vegaobscura#1750 BNET
Discord: Vega#5686

Guild of returning players here, we are looking for new players to build our player base for raiding. We are currently 11/12 on normal and will be heading into heroic very shortly. We also run mythic dungeons and push keys to get people geared.
We are not looking to be hardcore, as most of us have a life outside of wow and have kids. We play the game to have fun and meet people.
In need of a few more DPS and/or a few players who wouldnā€™t mind offspecing healer or tank.
Since its kind of late into this expansion we want to do at much as we can in preparation for Shadowlands.
We are a newer guild, but we have a solid group of players and a good foundation. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, hit me up on discord. Iā€™m usually in most of the day.
We are located in MST. Raid times are 7:45pm and will go for about 2 hours. Day are Friday and Monday.
Realm is Gurubashi : [H] casual guild looking for more!
discord: or Morlanith#4704
bnet: Morlanith#1757

Thanks everyone for the information and leads, weā€™ve found a new home!