Returning Player

Just came back to game today. Looking for a decent sized guild to join cause sometimes I just like to chat. Would be interested in some mythics and possibly some raiding, have to see how it goes. Have a few alts, but mostly thinking of playing my shadow priest.

Hey there, Nuke!

-Big Click energy- is currently seeking more people to run mythic+ keys of varying levels. We have our main progression raid on Tuesday-Wednesday, 8:30-11pm EST (3/12M) and a Heroic raid on Sundays open to alts and more casual players.

I’ll link our advert below if you’d like more information, feel free to contact me or any of our officers if you’re interested!

***Hefty*** - Currently 5/12M

Raid Days/Times:
Tuesday and Thursday 10pm -1am est (7pm -10pm pst)

Recruitment Needs:

We are currently open to all classes and specs but the following are high priority:

Balance Druid (bonus if you play Resto too)
Elemental Shaman (bonus if you play Resto too)

About us:
Formerly Perseverance of Sargeras, Hefty is an adult (21+) late night Horde raiding guild on Area 52. Currently 5/12M, some might describe us as semi-casual, others as semi-hardcore, but we like to think of ourselves as somewhere in the middle.

Most of us have jobs, spouses, kids, etc. keeping us busy IRL, so when we log into the game, we’re here to have fun and unwind. With a limited 2-day schedule, we do take raid time seriously, but we also value our fairly relaxed, social atmosphere. There’s lots of guilds out there where numbers are all that matter. Being a part of Hefty means being a part of a team where we recognize there’s a person behind every toon.

Our focus is on completing AotC every tier, and then we will tackle as many mythic fights as time allows. We will not push for mythic progression at the expense of our atmosphere.


Item level 460+
Cloak 12+
Rank 3 essences
Working Mic
Ability to take constructive criticism and occasionally sit for a fight as required
A positive, team attitude

If you have any questions or would like to set up a trial run, you can contact myself or an officer in game at:


Hey there! < Simplicity > is a semi-hardcore, 3/12M on previous server but now on Area 52 Horde are looking for more ranged dps!

We raid on a relaxed 9 hour weekly schedule at T/W/Thu 8-11 PM EST. Our optional heroic reclear nights are on Saturday 8 PM EST. Our raids are led by a former US Top 50 raider. However our raids are chilled and relaxed but serious when we try to get these bosses down.

Currently we are reclearing heroic since some of our raiders are main swapping so they need gear, it’s a good opportunity to learn mechanics and show us your performance.

To expand our horizons, we are also in the process of forming an established M+ addict group within the guild (most guildies just grab each other and run keys. Since we just server transferred and some guildies are leveling alts, majority of us run keys around 15 but some want to push higher). Running these M+ key establish the community within our guild which strengthens the bond between guildmates during raids.

If you are interested in our guild, please feel free to reach out to me at Kae#11715 on bnet or Kae#4869 on discord (case sensitive). We can also do cross realm trials!

Greetings Nukerrific,

< Undivided > Horde on Area 52.

We are looking for active, fun, social members to join our crew going into Shadowlands. We all have different experience levels and WoW backgrounds / History but one thing we do have in common is we want to build a fantastic community going into the new expansion and beyond.

We are only looking for people that want to be social and have a great time while progressing though, Normal, Heroic and possibly Mythic content.

If this sounds like a great fit for you please feel free to contact us or join discord and hit up the General chat. Hope to hear from you!

BattleNet: Neoramuh#1528, Addictive#1191

Discord: discord . gg/uecxcrz ( Pop in and say hello )

Guild: Casually Heroic

Faction: Horde

Raid Days/Times: Tues/Wed 8-11 EST


Requirement Needs: We need a few more Range Dps (Mages, Boomkin, Shadow Priest), and Healers. Anyone that wants to game with some pretty chill people. We will work around your desired class.

Casuals also welcome, so if you’re looking for a place to call home waiting on Shadowlands, of you want a place that has people online so you can talk, send us a message and well be happy to invite you.

About us: has evolved over the years. We went from a mythic pushing group to where we are today. We are made up of a core group that has raided together since WotLK. We took a little break in BFA and now we are back with a new name and new approach.

The name pretty much sums up our approach. AOTC and mythic keys will be our main goals, we will NOT be pushing mythic. Most of us are a little older, and we have families and careers. We don’t have the time required for successful mythic progression. We prefer to chill out, drink a couple beers and have a good time with good friends. That being said, we do expect that people wanting to raid be familiar with their class, and performing well enough to clear Heroic content. We can help you gear, and we can even offer some general gameplay tips, but ultimately your performance is your responsibility.

If you are looking for a place to rest your controller, or looking to hang out with some decent people we might be for you. If you just need a stepping stone on your way to the big leagues, we can help with that. Whatever it is that you are looking for, come talk to us, and let us see if we can help.