Returning player - try to gear up or just wait for wrath?

Hey guys, abandoned this game and returned a few times during TBC.
70 Pally, gear is pretty bad. Didn’t really do any raids in TBC, mostly blues and a few epics.
Do I even bother playing now and trying to gear or just wait for wrath to drop since most gear while leveling will be better?

Queue up AV during pre-patch and enjoy the easy PvP gear.


Thanks, are people doing this yet? Or in like 2 days?

Yes, you can start now if you want. Honor gains will improve come Tuesday though.

Probably depends on what you want to do. If you find a guild that is raiding and gearing now, while filling in its roster, then it’s probably worth gearing up with them.

Otherwise, focusing on gearing after reaching max-level for Wrath makes sense, imo.

Personally, I’m planning on rolling fresh, and have a great community lined up. We have been forming over the past couple of months and have 5 raid groups.

If you’re thinking about rolling Horde on a Fresh server, then check us out!

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wait for tuesday ( prepatch)
then everything is ez mode
just buy brutal gear with honor

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Its picked up already at times.

Horde made this weekend hell for me starting friday for questing. BG’s hit nice though that I saw as at some point in a lul I retreated from a horde zerg party at honor hold.

Got my lucky flight out in small break and BG’d it some. they come up decent. better than retail even. I can play my xbox 20-30 minutes at times wiating in retail for epics.

Classic this hits in minutes really sometimes. even AV.

this char I ahve settled on pvp leveling the last 2 when in game. Horde knows when I play alliance is less. So I seek other options.

Many higher 60’s will I’d wager so we will fill in AV’s decent I’d gather. I did 6 alts in KAV 15th anniversay when in retail…I can do 1 more even if slower paced. its actually preferred to me.

the most likely draenei paladin off boost will call av home too.

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My friend got on the beta and saw brutal costs even lower than before. Talking 9500 for 1 handed weapons, sub 10k for gloves, etc.

Honor also goes up in prepatch.

Geared or not, most in AV are in trash gear, just queue up, run the prot paladin route of just throwing on crusader and rushing E/W frostwolf towers. Sit in the room and spam rank 1 conc for 4 minutes. If you get attacked, back to wall, mass block, pop bubble, youll be fine.

Just get the brutal gear and everything will be ok.

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my man u better start using commas

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Why bother unless you want to BG in bad gear. I’d just wait until launch. The gear is completely replaced before 80.

You don’t need to gear up to level in wrath.

I’m always confused by his posts. So weird and off topic half the time. Useless rants that are just so weird. I’m fairly certain he’s using Google translate. Half the time it doesn’t make sense. Random words put into a sentence. Lmfao.

Dont bother gearing up. The weapon is replaced on the third quest and everything else quickly after.

All your gear will be replaced (quickly) as you level in Wrath. You might level slightly faster at first with better gear.

You can just grind honor for s4 gear which should last a while. mgt h has a good trinket. Kara and za have some good items not covered in pvp.

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Stockpile gold and get your professions in order for Wrath. No sense trying to gear at this point. The exception being weapons. S4 weaps will last to mid 70s at minimum.

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