You can buy fly (280% and 310%) and fly up to pandaria maps. From WoD to BfA you need to do some exploration and reputation achievements called Pathfinder
Some of them are going to be obsolete on pre patch so I recommend not wasting time on this atm.
They removed most of it but there’s still some utility ones (like boost in speed from engineering or reduced falling damage from tailoring)
It’s vanilla like, if you enjoyed classic you should give a shot
Enjoy what you can do right now, just don’t take it too seriously. There will be new leveling zone soon and a new begginers experience called Exile’s reach.
They changed it cause of the lack off content you now get, it’s considered content. Believe or not it is terribly tedious and annoying, but heck they wanted to get rid of it but still sell mounts in their store. Figure that one out.
The economy has been destroyed by Botters and Cheaters, and later by Multiboxers, which led to the inflation and depreciation of gold. That ultimately led to appearance of first gold millionaires and era of gold selling for real money through 3rd parties. Selling gold meant that pretty much anyone with spare buck could buy flying at the start of the expansion and skip good chunk of the content, ultimately leading to people buying less playtime.
Blizzard has tried to fix that with tying you to the ground through the quest campaigns and exploration, and even had plans to keep it this way until the mass uproar started, so they invented the Pathfinder achievement, which requires you to be Revered, and sometimes Exalted with multiple factions.
In upcoming expansion, you can buy flying like you used to, but only for expansions that we had prior to that, you still will be forced to do Pathfinder in Shadowlands in order to be able to fly.
Blizzard could not fix the part that literally everyone been picking one profession over other only to compliment their combat so they got rid of those.
A toxic fool who deems himself as a spokesman of a world of warcraft community, but in reality all he does is mass-raid locations at random(almost), runs transmog-contests with no prizes to pretend that he has interactions with his toxic community and does nothing to improve the overall game experience for others.
Most things untouched. Same bugs. Even the same toxic community is back.
Run dungeons, get 120 while you can, you can do it relatively fast now due to the Experience Buff that was introduced due to Pandemic.
Gold. I mean, from BC through MoP, you could just buy your flying after a gold grind. Some people didn’t like that too much. Plus, it encouraged buying gold from farmers, something Blizz was trying to get rid of. Moving to an achievement based system discouraged Gold farmers. Even now, if you see the bots (or even multiboxers) running around, they are all grounded because it’s work to get flying.
They changed it to achievement based grind. Something you’ll likely do anyways to level. I mean, you’ll do quests for leveling, which boosts your rep. That’s essentially the way to getting flying anyways.
They never said that it was never meant to be that way, just that that’s how it was meant to be played now. I’m sure with a little searching you could find more information on it than I could give as I wasn’t playing at the time.
Oh wow, he must not be a good person? Every time I search for anything about WoW on google or youtube, he shows up in all the results. I didn’t click on anything as it didn’t seem to associate with what I searched for. Is something wrong with his face? One search showed him with his mouth open, one was overly sad and one was a duck face, I think?
Nothing wrong with his appearance, but he’s operates on principle of “I’m good, you’re bad” for most part. Most of his “reactions” videos are him giving his opinion on things, which usually results to mass disinformation because people use him and his opinions as a legitimate source of information.
The playerbase is much different than it was years ago. I mean, in 2005, all we had was alakazam for our wow info (and curse for our mods). There wasn’t much in the way of streaming. Now people are streaming their content on Twitch and have lots of subscribers. eSports has really taken flight over the past years and people (for whatever reason) like watching other people play video games. Asmongold is one such player who has a massive following.
Same reason as for any other youtuber. People who wants the validation of their opinions + young impressionable people + generally dumb people = spread of disinformation.
For a few expansions professions would grant specific perks, like mining gave increased heatlh, I believe herbalism gave you a very small on use heal and other such things.
They were just minor perks, but yeah they were there. Nothing really to write home about.
Ok, so he’s some kind of competitive esport pro like Fatal1ty?
Wow, if thats true, it seems pretty alarming that this person shows up everywhere. I’m glad I was warned and it seems pretty unfair for anyone wanting to look for good information only to have a lot of misinformation given to them when they search.
Which is why I stick to wowhead for my information. If I’m struggling with a Boss (which I was tonight, trying to solo a Legion raid boss on my main toon), I go to wowhead to read the comments and watch the videos (if there are any). The comments section on Bosses is practically priceless.
Personally I dont like his style. For positive somewhat non-bias information you can look up a youtube channel Bellulargaming and for catch up lore watch Nobbel87 I do not think they have as large as a following as ASmondon but they a leaps and bounds better in MY OPINION.
Also wowhead is an excellent site. It gives the facts and nothing but the facts, unless you look in the comments section.