Returning Player seeking RP guild [Alliance/Neutral]

Hey hey, as the title reads I’m looking for a guild! Hopefully one that is either Alliance based, or Neutral/cross faction. But before all that, a little about myself and what I’m looking for!

I operate on EST time, and tend to be free everyday, between 10am to 10pm, so my schedule is pretty flexible. I’m 30+ and go by They/Them He. That said I’m hoping to find a guild that is LGBT+ friendly, inclusive, and warm welcoming. I’d like the guild to be sociable, either in game or out of it via discord VC or just general chatting. I’m more interested in RP guilds, as that’s sort of why I’ve come back to WoW admittedly, aside from getting over general burnout. As far as RP I’m all for long format storytelling, and combat style RP that has room for OC’s to grow on a personal scale. Whether for better or worse sort of deal, I just like a sense of progression. I’d also enjoy it if the guild had organized, or even impromptu Social/slice of life style RP. As getting to know other OC’s, and just hanging with guildies is overall just really nice. Aside from that however I do want a slight bit of PvE in my guild. Nothing crazy, maybe casual M+ and normal raids, and just chill transmog/mount farm nights. My day’s of try hardening bleeding edge content are long behind me lmao.

Beyond All that, Let me give you an idea of the OC i’m bringing too the table.

Their name is Arnsgrim, a Half-Elf Kul Tiran who is a druid. They were raised in the ways of the Thornspeaker, but decided later on to seek out other druidic sect members. So that they could further deepen their knowledge, and understanding of Druidism as a whole. That said they are by no means a turn the other cheek, or talk it out sort of individual. As they are as much a warrior as they are a druid. Whether in bear form, or with their druidic Halberd, if violence is needed, violence will be dished out. Though this does not mean they are always seeking out fights, but rather if a fight is to be had, they will be the first to stand shoulder to shoulder with comrades. Beyond this they tend to live by what they call “The Old Ways”. A more primitive and simplistic belief system described as living by “Blood and bone, tooth and claw”. In other words, living within nature’s cycle of life and death, as any other animal or predator would. So hunting is as much a part of their life, as tending to nature, and fighting would be. (The overall inspiration I had for them stems from parts of my heritage as I wanted to take inspiration from both Celtic Druidism, and Norse Seidr. It’s all still a work in progress to a degree, but hopefully it’s interesting)

Anyways I appreciate you taking the time to read all that, hopefully you think I’ll be a good fit! If you have any questions, feel free to drop a comment here or shoot me a friend request on discord: Seidr

Thanks for your time, have a great day!

Sounds perfect, can I perhaps interest you in an interview with The Wylde Hunt?

Sure I’d be up for chatting, see if the guilds a good fit and do that interview. I’ll give a heads up and say it’s been a while since I’ve RP’d so I’m a bit rusty lmao.

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Great! When would be a good day to do an interview and time EST this week?

Today is fine around 6:30pm is fine, gives me time to cook and eat. Or if tomorrow is better anytime after 12pm should be okay.

That works, I’ll get you interviewed today if you don’t mind.

Works for me! feel free to add me in game or just whisper me!

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