Returning Player: Mass Data Wipe

Returning Player: Personal Guild Bank Deleted, Banks Wiped, Bank Slots Reverted (Bags Deleted except for Unique Soulbound, Tabs Reset to Unpurchased Around Unique Bags), Battle Pets Missing, BM Tames Gone - Mass Data Wipe

Making this bug report because the GMs want me to. Relevant Data Below:

Support (GM) Response:

For situations regarding missing items, keep in mind that you can always use our handy Item Restoration page (can’t post links)

Sold, disenchanted, or scrapped gear pieces can be restored in the Item Restoration page. Any recently sold items can be restored by speaking to any vendor in-game and opening the Buyback tab.
Stackable items such as consumables and reagents sold or used by mistake cannot be restored. Collectibles learned by mistake cannot be unlearned.

If you are missing an item, consider if:
- The item was put in the bank, Void Storage, or guild bank.
- The item was a collectible and was learned (mounts, pets, heirlooms, or toys).
- The item was sold.
- The item was a consumable and was used by mistake (potion, food, etc.).
- The item was a reagent and was spent on a craft or upgrade.
- The item was a gear piece disenchanted or scrapped.
- The item was a token or currency and was exchanged for something else.

Sometimes an item may not be missing, but a damaged UI element or inventory manager addon is causing a display issue: try resetting your UI to solve this:
can’t post links

My Response:
“- The item was put in the bank, Void Storage, or guild bank.”
Bank was wiped, my bank guild on my alliance realm was deleted for some reason which was storing some of the items (only member in it) banks are missing mass amounts of items throughout characters, bags missing except for (Unique) Soulbound bags, slots reverted to not purchased when they all were and complete bank inventories wiped.
I also would like to note that my Horde side guild, Mythic Champions, which is also my bank/account storage guild on Illidan - did not get deleted as my alliance guild bank/account storage on Stormrage did.

"- The item was a collectible and was learned (mounts, pets, heirlooms, or toys).
- The item was sold.
- The item was a consumable and was used by mistake (potion, food, etc.).
- The item was a reagent and was spent on a craft or upgrade.
- The item was a gear piece disenchanted or scrapped.
- The item was a token or currency and was exchanged for something else."

Completely non applicable considering these toons weren’t touched by me in quite some time which will be reflected in your logs - and there is absolutely NOTHING in regards to recovery on these toons on item restoration lists. This is clearly a data wipe on YOUR end.

“Sometimes an item may not be missing, but a damaged UI element or inventory manager addon is causing a display issue: try resetting your UI to solve this:”
Not applicable, UI reset many times and NO addons, completely Vanilla.

Hunter Anesth missing classic and WotLK pets - spirit beasts and rare BM tames.
This confirms there was a data wipe done on and to my toons. As well as the bank data. How and why would selling ANYTHING cause toons banks to be reverted to NONPURCHASED when the first thing I did on every character back then upon arriving to main city was max out bank and buy bags; How would this explain some of them being LOCKED to and BETWEEN Unique Soulbound bags.
There was clearly some data wipe that occurred, and considering that it was literal years of progress wiped - there is something that NEEDS done on your end to restore this data.
And to further expand, I know there was a bank wipe because on the toons I did log into recently I had to REPURCHASE every single bank slot and buy NEW bags on every single one. Again, further compounding that there was a data wipe done ON YOUR END.

I did not use gear update on most these toons - declined to do so.

I’m unsure of exactly how or what would have reset the bank slots and wiped non unique bags from it.
The items were a whole slew of materials and misc items from BC-WoD; can’t remember exactly all of what they were - banks are noticeably emptied and the more concerning aspect is that bank slots were wiped and reset to unpurchased when that is always one of the first things I’ve done on all toons - upgrade bank tabs to max and get the best bags possible at the time that were semi affordable at the time, netherweaves, as this was long before any WoW tokens were a thing in game.
I had to repurchase/reobtain an absurd amount of battle pets that I KNOW I had when I stopped playing, this raised quite a few red flags but didn’t know how to go about it so bit the proverbial bullet and just did the grind and/or repurchased some of them.

Toon Information as far as I know and can see:
Guild that was owned and operated by my bank toons on Stormrage for bank storage was somehow deleted and subsequently lost everything gold and item wise that was in that - Baxbanker and Baxbanks are those two toons
Horde side guild, Mythic Champions, which is also my bank/account storage guild on Illidan - did not get deleted as my alliance guild bank/account storage on Stormrage did.

  • Baxbanks-Stormrage - Had to repurchase bank slots and new bank bags, bank was completely wiped.
  • Baxbanker-Stormrage - Baxbanker-Stormrage got completely wiped in bank
  • Aesthetix-Doomhammer - bank wiped and slots reverted to unpurchased
  • Sindorel-Doomhammer - bank wiped except for runed copper rod in main bank and slots reverted to unpurchased
  • Keyalaan-Nesingwary - can’t log into, flagged for rename for some weird reason stating the name is taken by someone else which makes 0 sense as have had this toon for so long.
  • Ustarosa-Doomhammer - bank wiped, bags still there ramkahen tabard and x7 toothpick remains, unsure what happened, would have been last used in cata/MoP
  • Tentative-Doomhammer - bank wiped, soul bound unsellables remain
  • Scelenia-Doomhammer - bank wiped, reverted slots to unpurchased
  • Nezrael-Doomhammer - bank wiped, soul bound unsellables and 1c soulbound 2 pieces of WotLK armour remain
  • Anesth-BurningBlade - missing quite a few rare BM tames from over the years; bank wiped bags reverted to unpurchased, misc armor pieces and weapons that are cheap sale prices remain and a follower item
  • Anesthiics-BurningBlade - bank not touched - bags full of heirlooms
  • Taoy-Mok’nathal - reverted bank slots to first two tabs (havent played this one in years, was second toon ever made)
  • Fátality-Mok’Nathal - same as above, first character made, renamed long ago to this name but dont remember when exactly
  • Efflouresce-Stormrage - had purchased bank slots on this toon, reverted to nonpurchased and was at the area that people get teleported to if accepting the tp to main city.
  • Baxweaver -Stormrage - had purchased bank slots on this toon, reverted to nonpurchased and was at the area that people get teleported to if accepting the tp to main city.
  • Efflouresced-Stormrage - had purchased bank slots on this toon, reverted to nonpurchased and was at the area that people get teleported to if accepting the tp to main city.
  • ßaxla-Stormrage - untouched
  • Baxla-Stormrage - it’s missing pets except for active ones
  • Baxblade-Stormrage - bank bags wiped except for uniques, main tab full of black empire account gear - I had to repurchase bank slots from right of uniques
  • Disowned-Thrall - 3 slots unpurchased, pretty sure had all of them purchased, misc armour in one of the bags and misc mats in the first two rows of bank
  • Anesthetiix-Illidan - bank wiped, reverted to unpurchased
  • Furryrage-Illidan - bank wiped, reverted to unpurchased
  • Baxlai-Illidan - I had to repurchase bank slots and bags on this toon
  • Huldrefolke-Illidan - bank wiped, reverted to unpurchased
  • Baxslash-Illidan - bank wiped, reverted to unpurchased
  • Vyntex-Illidan - bank slots untouched, a fair amount got wiped from bank, misc items strewn about
  • Foraii-Illidan - bank wiped, reverted to unpurchased, I had to repurchase bank slots on this toon
  • Wanheda-Illidan - pretty sure this toons bank got wiped, soul bound inscription recipe, misc bags, tabard of scarlet crusade and darkmoon game tokens remain
  • Nezrael-Illidan - bank bags wiped, I had to repurchase bank slots on this toon; soulbound recipes, relics of ulduar, soulbound rune, tabard of the explorer, and one of the bags I had purchased over the amount needed for bank
  • Anesth-Illidan - pretty sure this toons bank items got wiped misc stuff strewn about, bank slots not reverted
  • Toxichb-Illidan - think this one was untouched almost entirely, maybe some outdated items disappeared, buncha misc stuff throughout bank
  • Baxlo - untouched, auction/bank toon

Rest of toons, the level 70s+, are either newer (made in DF/Timewarped) and Baxla-Illidan is one of my older toons made at same time as ßaxla-Stormrage, now horde main, neglecting alliance - these toons were untouched by the bank/data wipes