Hello, I am returning to the game after a long break. Looking to get back into raiding. I plan on playing Holy pally. Last expansion(legion) I played Priest and managed to get some mythic experience, Cutting edge Emerald Nightmare and Nighthold, also some other mythic kills like Maiden and coven. Willing to realm or faction transfer if good fit.
We raid Tues and Thurs nights from 9pm –midnight central/ sever time and could use a holy/ret paladin. Also do an alt fun run on the weekend.
Currently 1/9M, 9/9H, & 2/2H. Mostly just aim for AOTC then hit a few mythic bosses to pass the time between raid tiers.
Most of us are in our 30s. My Battletag is JRoc#1966 and Discord is JRoc#5400. Hit me up and lets chat!
Hey wouldnlobe to talk to you about coming to heal for us!
Exiled is an AOTC focused raiding guild located on the server Turalyon. While our focus is AOTC, we will dabble in Mythic raiding once all content has been cleared. We are currently 9/9H BoD and 2/2H CoS looking to start pushing into Mythic BoD as the roster allows.
RAID TIMES: Currently we raid Wednesday and Thursday from 8pm-10pm est.
RAID EXPECTATIONS: Our raid times are short, so during those 2 hour windows want to be pulling. Due to our time constraints we dont want to have to explain every encounter with every pull. Discord in between pulls is typically laughing and joking around, but during the pull communication is focused on what we are doing. We expect you to come prepared with everything you will need for the encounter i.e. pots, watching videos, and properly enchanted/gems. We provide most everything except for your pots, all you need to do is ask.
ATMOSPHERE OUTSIDE OF RAID: We are a guild comprised of mostly late 20s to late 30s year old working adults. We all are typically in discord joking around with each other posting memes or picking on the Demon Hunter. Our sense of humor tends towards the dark side, so really nothing you say will offend anyone. Most of us are on almost every night running mythic plus, leveling alts, or just hanging out playing other games.
Needs: We are looking for a 2-3 more healers and DPS. However if the atmosphere sounds like something your interested in, we are always recruiting social players.
If any of this sounds interesting to you please dont hesitate to contact me on discord: taurast#9407 or bnet: taurast#1518 or Nicknac on discord/bnet: theblizzur#1777
Good luck Have fun and Sorry about your key!
<Alliance Lives Matter> Connected Realms- Scilla, Zuluhed, Andorhal and Ursin
Currently 9/9M BoD [ce] , 2/2H CoS 9/9H BoD, 8/8M Uldir [ce] , 11/11M Antorus [cutting edge]. We are #1 server on our server group.
Currently US 140 for Mythic BoD.
Recruitment Needs for Mythic: (Transfer Required) 1 tank (no DH/bear/prot pal) , 1 priest or shaman, 1 ranged dps. 1 dps with strong tank off spec, prefer ww/bm. Potentially 1 stud melee player. Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be shy to apply even if you are not one of our high priority classes.
We also recruit normal and heroic only raiders for our normal and heroic raids. We have many awesome less hardcore players that join us for heroic and normal to learn from our mythic raiders. This is a very active and growing guild. Our raiders do not just log on to raid and than disappear.
Guild Goals: To full clear mythic BoD in a timely competitive fashion (US 250 Minimum) [COMPLETED; cut our US ranking in HALF] and all future mythic raid tiers going forward in a quick and competitive manner. We set our goals and then we do what it takes to meet them. We do meet our goals. Period. We started antorus 6 months late and burned our way through cutting edge Antorus. This IS a cutting edge raiding guild with structure and organization.
Raid Schedule
[Mythic] Thursday 8:30pm-10:30pm cst
[Mythic] Sat/Sun 3:30-7:30 pm central.
[Heroic] Tuesday is our heroic night for our mythic raiders/sales run 8:30 central to 11:00pm. This run is optional but highly recommended for gear sharing.
[Heroic] Wednesday- Open to our heroic team raiders, mythic raiders, and mythic raider alts. run 8:30 central to 11:00. This team full clears heroic easily as well.
[Normal] Friday open to anyone 8:30 central to 10:00.
We push people to get 1 heroic clear and 1 mythic 10 plus a week done. This is * required for our mythic raiders. As long as there is forging in the game people should be fishing for titanforges.
More about the guild: We do it all, we aren’t just raiders. We are extremely active guild, the most active on the server, and more active than most servers/guilds. Our people do not just log on for raids once or twice a week. Our average age range is 28-35. We enjoy PvP- arenas, rbgs, bgs, wpvp, Mythic+, achievements. We have a very laid back but like to get stuff done kind of atmosphere when it is not raid time. When it is raid time, we get focused and serious and competitive in a non toxic results oriented manner. Very active and supportive guild filled with awesome human beings. Our raiders are competitive players always striving to better themselves. Flasks and feasts and vantus runes are provided for all progression raiding. We constantly analyze logs and push for improvement. We do not settle for mediocrity in any of our members so by being a part of this guild you will become a better player and person. This is just a small taste of our guild. Please contact an officer to have any questions or concerns addressed.
If you’re interested in raiding with us or would just like to join the guild feel free to contact Nebulaphobia, our recruitment officer.~@
BTag: Ashe#1789
Discord: Ashie#6243
In Game: Nebulaphobia-Scilla
hi there
For Crits and Giggles
is accepting casual players and players that are interested in raiding trying to rebuild our raiding team we are 7/9N BoD and 1/2 Cos. We raid on Friday and Saturdays 8pm to 11pm central time. We are on US-Rexxar Server.
We also do achievement runs and mythics plusses and help people out leveling. Hope to hear from you
M y Btag- Valckin#11875
Looking for players committed to working towards and getting CE.
Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders committed to getting CE.
GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517 on Bnet or Xantoniel#1979 on Discord
< Low Battery > [H] is a semi-casual guild on Thrall, and we have an opening in our heal team. We are currently 3/9M in BoD and 2/2H in CoS. Our raid schedule is Tues and Wed from 9pm - midnight EST. Our end goal is not CE, but to get as many bosses down before the next raid is released. We expect our raiders to know their class and come to raid prepared, but we do our best to keep our raid environment fun and relaxed.
Outside of raid nights, you’ll find folks forming groups for M+ throughout the week. We also schedule weekly guild events and rotate through activities such as alt raids, achievement runs, RBGs, or game night in discord.
Here is a link to our recruitment post:
If you are interested or have any questions, please reach out to me: CallaLily#1369. I hope to hear from you. Best of luck with your search!
(H) is an AOTC guild who is looking to push into CE territory on the Illidan server. We strive to hit AOTC each tier, and have done so within the first two weeks on a consistant basis. We have a solid core, and are looking to add a few key spots to hopefully start shooting for Cutting Edge beginning in 8.2!
RAID TIMES: We currently raid on Tuesday and Thursday nights, from 8:30PM - 11:30AM Server Time (CST).
RAID EXPECTATIONS: We expect you to come prepared to each raid night. This means having gems and enchants, any personal consumables you may need, and most importantly, knowing the mechanics for each encounter. Raiding only two nights a week, we like everyone to know the encounter so we can limit constant explanations between pulls.
ATMOSPHERE OUTSIDE OF RAID: Very laid back group of guys and gals. A lot of us are college kids, so at times we do have outside commitments for classes and exams. Another handful of us are mid 20’s-30’s working adults. Off nights you can find us running / selling M+, alt raids or even the guild PVP session. We all have a great sense of humor and love chatting and memeing in Discord.
Needs: We are looking to round out our core progression roster. We have a solid core of 15-16 players, and would like to add a handful to help progress further in Mythic. Looking for an exceptional healer (rdruid, rsham) and a few great DPS; but all classes and players would be considered!
What you can expect: Flasks and food will be provided during progression raids. Repairs are also provided. Everyone will help ensure you get your M+10 done every week. Exceptional players also run our M+ carries for additional income. Expect to be welcomed into a fun yet focused environment! Bring extra gold for gambling between pulls
Logs are great, but not required. If any of this sounds interesting to you, let us know! We’d love to have you tag along for a run and see how the fit is. You can reply here, or message me on battle.net Ekoh#1469 or on Discord Kiche#5313.