Hey all, I’ll keep this short as I can and straight forward as possible!
I’m looking for a heroic based, some mythic pushing guild as well M+ and PvP!
Just looking for something a bit more casual where I can play the game and have a good time. Would love to find something where there are multiple mythic+ teams in a guild constantly rotating people around so everyone can find their right fit!
Ideally looking for a later night guild. Something like 8pm MST raid start time or later.
Alliance or Horde, don’t mind changing servers, but would LOVE to stay on KT.
Will admit you gotta really convince me for horde since my DK as human is an absolute chef kiss in this mog. But, I’ll consider all.
I also play Enhance and Windwalker for consideration!
Hit me up on discord: JakeofRivia#7142
If you are looking for a guild, we are welcoming healers and dps to come join Unvanquished on Proudmoore [A]. We are a semi-casual guild that make it a goal to hit AOTC every patch. Currently, we are 6/11H & 11/11N in SFO. We raid on Weds & Fri at 8-11 PST. All other non-raid nights you’ll find us running keys to have our members get KSM and 15s for the Vault. If you want to find out more about us, check us out at discord.gg/WBGE3nrq3Y
You can also reach me at Bnet: Cronus#1359
We’re recruiting a few different type of players.
1.) SoF Raiders - We’re looking for both serious raiders, and players LF a good time.
-Our heroic (AOTC+) group runs on Wednesday and Thursday from 7-10pm central. We’re looking for more DPS to build onto a well rounded roster of semi-hardcore players. We’re currently 7/11H with goals of moving forward.
-Our normal team reclears on Tuesday from 7-10pm central. This group’s good for alts, parses, casual players, and learning the mechanics. Currently 11/11N.
2.) Mythic Key pushers - We’re looking for more players interested in M+. We normally run keys during our down time from raiding. There’s room for everybody, just post your key and join others. Players are currently running anywhere between 2-20’s.
3.) Casual/Social - Making new friends, running old content, leveling alts, farming mounts/xmog, contests, events & more.
Discord available for chats, sims, memes, pet pics, and sign ups.
Reply here or send an in game message/mail to Zxg.
You can also apply through the guild finder - Actively Throwing.