Returning Player Looking for Long Term Home for TWW

Thank you for taking the time to read! I’ve recently returned after several years away (Left first week in Shadowlands). I’m looking for a more Social/Casual group of people who actually do things together beside weekly raid.

I am looking for a guild that does Normal/Heroic raiding while reaching that rare middle group where people that can complete the raid, but have an absolute blast while doing it. Weekly M+ opportunities, I’m hoping to get back in the saddle with people who are understanding as I have no interesting in stressing every week pugging. :slight_smile:

I’m looking to get out of Healing and trying DPS this expansion currently boosted a Augmentation Evoker as the playstyle is similar to my Brigand from EQ2 but have experience with both Hunter and ELE/ENH Shaman.

I’m available most nights (5pm-12pm Central) for raiding except Mon/Tues due to work. IF you made it through all my rambling tanks again for reading!

Group Hug is looking for members currently. If you don’t want to heal, then don’t. Play whatever you want. We are looking for all, with priority on a few different classes. Just don’t have them in the guild yet. Hit up Ivaedra or me in game or I’m Popo/Nate#9410 on discord.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Hi there! Maybe we are what you are looking for, we definitely need dps and currently have no shaman dps!

Hi Litiara,

I’m recruiting for a guild named Assault - we raid Thurs/Fri evenings from 9:30p-12a CST. We’ve been earning AotC every tier since our inception during BFA and occasionally we dabble in Mythic raid a little bit just to test our mettle, but never take it very seriously. We also ask our raiders to run keys each week for their cache to stay on top of gearing needs. I think our guild would be a great fit for what you are looking for!

If you think so, add me on BNet to chat further at limbrok#1655. Looking forward to hearing from you!


Good afternoon Litiara,

We are a small drama free guild/raid group of experienced players looking for a few more dps to join us. We mostly raid, but there are a good handful of us that do M+, mount/tmog runs as well.

We raid Sat/Sun from 6 pm to 8:30 pm (PST). We do ask that people have previous AOTC experience.

Feel free to add me on discord (Username: Lewpha) if you think we may be a good fit for you.

Hi Litiara!

The Dignified, Blade’s Edge is an active, fun, cross faction, cross realm guild. We are home to around 325 different accounts and many alts. Our scheduled events are:
*Casual RBG’s for all guildies with a set of any pvp gear at 8pm central time 4 nights a week. We currently have one RBG push team, 2 nights a week.
*Casual N/H raids for all guildies meeting min ilvl Friday and Saturday 6-8pm central time.
*Mythic Monday nights for all guildies so they have a vault if they want one. Otherwise, just watch guild chat for people running them and needing others.
*Every Thursday at 7:30pm central we have old raids and dungeons for mounts and mogs. Open to all guildies meeting character level requirement.
*Progression AOTC+ raid team runs Tuesday Wednesday 8-10pm central. Trial and previous logs required.
*We have monthly gold raffles, *guild parties twice a year, yearly *mog contest, and other fun things.
Anything you’d want in a guild really. Our PvP events will resume with TWW.
Members decide what they want to do. There’s no pressure to do anything (unless on push or prog teams of course). Just enjoy the game.

Bnet: Stormy#1445
Discord: stormy1445