Hey there!
Our group is actively looking for a DH / Enh Shamm / DK (listed in order of priority). We are 1/11 M SFO. Prog is 2 nights/wk on Wed&Thur starting @8:30 est. Handful of members over 3k io who are familiar with putting groups together to push higher keys. We label ourselves “AotC into relaxed mythic” because we don’t want to stop at AotC but no CE chasing - our goal is pushing content without team burnout. Guild was formed in 2016 Emerald Nightmare and even with burnout / life events, most of our members have been raiding together since BfA. We do sporadic community nights for non-WoW games or movie watch parties, and our discord is populated by both current and retired players who like to keep in touch.
If that sounds like a good start, shoot me a message on discord jesiryu#3900