Returning player looking for home

Hey Golden,

My new, social guild “The Legal Bananas” is on Stormrage (alliance) & is always looking for more friends to come chat with us & have some fun! We’re an 18+, lgbtq friendly guild. We run mythics on Mondays, we’re going to start raiding in July (prob normal only) & we run fun runs (tmog runs) on Saturday evenings. Typically there are people in voice chat. Trying to keep active members in the guild/discord cause I really don’t want the guild to become a parking lot for peoples alts they never log onto! If interested in learning more, please DM on discord: FluffyPanda#6738 :heart:

Hope to hear from you soon!

If you would like to talk more thats fine u can add me on discord, but i dont wanna waste your time since i havent touched the game in over a year and when i last raided i was working on mythic pain smith lol. So if your still trying to push i might not be the best fit, but always down for a chat if you think other wise.

Morning check in still looking around

Afternoon check in

Morning check in

Hey there!

Our group is actively looking for a DH / Enh Shamm / DK (listed in order of priority). We are 1/11 M SFO. Prog is 2 nights/wk on Wed&Thur starting @8:30 est. Handful of members over 3k io who are familiar with putting groups together to push higher keys. We label ourselves “AotC into relaxed mythic” because we don’t want to stop at AotC but no CE chasing - our goal is pushing content without team burnout. Guild was formed in 2016 Emerald Nightmare and even with burnout / life events, most of our members have been raiding together since BfA. We do sporadic community nights for non-WoW games or movie watch parties, and our discord is populated by both current and retired players who like to keep in touch.

If that sounds like a good start, shoot me a message on discord jesiryu#3900

Sorry:( i kinda enjoy chasing ce kinda my end goal of why i play the game. So i dont think i would be a good fit in your guild, since i prob would end up feeling frustrated. Which is not where i wanna put myself in again. Wish you the best of luck though and hope you find more like minded people.

Late night check on that monster hunter grind

Afternoon check in

Hey there. If you’re able to do Tues/Thurs 8-11 CST, we have a great new opportunity building now. Let me know!

--------------- Guild Info ------------

A Boring Dystopia is recruiting for Dragonflight! We’re a brand-new guild with some veteran leadership looking to build a raid team going into the Expansion.**

GM BNET: Ekye#11711

GM Discord: Ekyu#9290

Hey! My guild is recruiting! Currently 4/11M, would love to talk about your prospects of being a raider with us! Our raid days are Tues Wed Thurs 8.30pm-11.30pm which i believe would fit your schedule perfectly and I think we might just be the perfect home for you to return to! Add my discord for more info! Shadowfange#9160 Thanks!

Morning check in still looking around

Late night check in

Happy 4th hope everyone is doing good still looking around

Afternoon check in

Hey Loko!

< Redacted > [H] Area 52 is recruiting for Season 4 “Fated Raiding” and Cutting Edge in Dragonflight.

Raid Schedule: Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday
8-11pm PST/ 9-12pm MST/ 10pm-1am CST / 11pm-2am EST

Redacted is a Cutting Edge focused guild with the goal of ranking 500~ US in the first tier of Dragonflight. Improving tier after tier.

Want to know what our raid environment is like? Check out the stream.

What makes us different? 3 things.

  1. Values based approach. Performance AND Personality.
  2. Strong leadership. Proactive regarding issues.
  3. Mutual Respect / Genuine Relationship.

We raid 9 hours a week and play countless hours outside of that. We play other games but maintain a competitive focus in WoW. Our raid time we want to be enjoyable AND productive.

We also have a great raid leader:

| Raider Leader / Coach: Hawtey |
Main Tank / Multi-Classer
5x Cutting Edge and competed at top 50 US he brings a lot of top end wow raiding experience.

All info is in discord. Feel free to reach out with any questions.
Hawtey#9337 Discord | Hawti#11644 BNET
Discord -

If any of this is appealing to you, please reach out.

Morning check in

Afternoon check in still looking around

Hey there Loko!
My guild is definitely not a fit for you (not only aotc focused but we also raid sat/sun haha), but I’d like to drop a link to a fairly sizeable recruitment community that may help you find what you’re looking for

It’s just an additional venue to look through guilds that are recruiting and put yourself there as well. Figured I’d drop it in case it seems like something that may help you out :slight_smile:

I’m not the owner or a mod, I just know the struggle and have a shareable link
Again, best of luck!

I have been on that for awhile now and hate it lol. Thanks for the link though!