Returning Player looking for Guild

Coming back after a bit of a break. First and foremost looking for a good community in a guild, and secondly a heroic raid team that fits my schedule… hopefully one that doesnt go past (or not far past) midnight EST. I have a casual mind set, and dont mind a more casual group… though I have a habit of knowing my toon inside and out and perform well. My raid goal is to get AOTC by end of raid tier, which i have done for the last 3-4 raids.
I can learn any spec or role, so if you are looking for tank, healer, dps please let me know.
Reach out here, or discord: solofrog#2209


take a look! Please Delete

Game Theory on Proudmoore is specifically looking for a resto Shaman, Pally or Monk. We are a adult only heroic level AOTC-focused raiding guild. We raid 8:30-10:30 server (which is PST) on Monday and Thursdays. We always clear normal and then move into heroic. Once we clear heroic for awhile we will do some optional runs for achievements and mythic pulls for fun. If you are interested or want to discuss in further detail please reach out to me at Battlenet = Dysphoric#1580 or Discord = dysphoric#0077