Returning player looking for friends, team, and guild

Vanilla-legion returning player - washed up raid/guild leader.

Looking for an active but casual guild. I am a long time raider, raid and guild leader that got burnt out. Currently now a much older and wiser adult looking for friendly place to call home. With 8.3/shadowlands on the horizon I would very much like to find a home that I can thrive and support.

I enjoy 2s and 3s and Mythics. I always enjoyed a core 10 man group back when they had it. I have achievements to show my history and the context to explain my experience. My current io is around 1100.

Anyways, I’m a white collared adult that likes to farm Mythics (9+) and 2s when I have the time outside of wedding planning. I use Discord or Skype and all the add-ons needed from Gladius to DBM to Omni.

I have a few toons but so far I have been rocking Havoc, can play whatever the team would need though predicated on ilevel.

Thanks for reading
~ Brash#1434

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