Good day, everyone. I am a returning player, looking to re-experience the glory of Classic. I stopped playing around May after getting my Mage on Bloodsail Buccaneers to 60, and I know a lot has updated since then. I was simply wondering if there are any Realms of choice to start a new character, Horde or Alliance? Was looking to make a Priest and a Warrior.
Oh, and I also live in Japan, so the time zone difference will obviously be massive. Thank you for your time!
Hey O/
We are doing a reroll event tonight at 7pm est not sure how that works out with your time zone it will be on Anathema on alliance you are more then welcome to come level with us we have 80+ members in discord already!
any way hope to see you tonight!!
Great to know! Thanks for telling me! And 7PM Eastern would be 9AM of the following day for me, so that’s definitely doable since it’s the weekend.
Oh, I’m also a streamer, but I won’t be live until later on tonight, my time.