Returning player looking for a home

Hello everyone!

First I want to say thank you for taking the time to read this. I am a returning player and it has been some years since I last played. I had family issues and life just got in the way but recently got back into playing wow now having more time on my hands. I have a Shaman (ele/enh), a mage and a DK. It has been some time since I have raided or done M+ (I got ksm every season in shadowlands) So I am back to relearning and would love to get back into raiding and keys! The only day I cannot raid is Thursdays due to a real world prior engagement but any other day works great for me!

If you read this and think “Hey you know what lets take a chance on a old but determined dude” you can reach me on Bnet: RagnaBlood#1112

thank you again and good luck out there!