Returning Player Looking for a Guild

Hi Lavishly!

Have you picked a server and guild yet? If you haven’t we would like for you to join us on Pagle! Here is a link to our guild recruitment statement <Rusty Ranch Raiders> [A] [NA] [PVE] Pagle. We are currently looking to build up the guild and are focused on leveling/grinding until we are raid ready!

There are a lot of opportunities with our guild, ledership etc., and we have a very active Discord with mature people (ages 25+). All times are CST based as well, so that should work pretty good with your schedule and our plans are to raid at night around 9:30pm CST a few times a week. Details TBD once we get closer to that. POC information is below - please feel free to reach out to either myself of Fio!

BattleTag: fio012#1360 or MereServant#1451

Discord: fio#6069 or 5LLDude#9079