Returning Player Looking for a Guild

Hi! My name is Lavishly/Shion. However please call me Lavishly! I am a returning player who is planning on playing WoW:Classic. I have yet no clue on what server, race, class, or faction I should play on. So I’ve decided to write a LFG post on here.
I guess I should tell you more about myself, and what classes I played on WoW: Retail(as I’ve seen others say).
Classes I used to play:
Expansions I’ve Played:
Cataclysm and Legion.

In Cata. I’ve mainly played as a Restoration/Off-Tank druid, with a hunter as an alt. During my time in Cata I was part of a raiding guild doing the latest raids such as Fire Lands, and Dragon Soul. I’ve also PvPed too while not raiding. However recently I’ve decided that PvE is more down my alley. I took a five year break, coming back right before Nighthold in Legion. After a little while, I became a mythic raider. First starting off as shadow, however finding out I wasn’t talented as a shadow priest, I went to Beastmastery hunter, with healing on the side(druid and shaman).

With this all being said, I’m comfortable either tanking, healing, or dpsing. Since classes are WAY different in Classic than Retail, I have been doing my research to make sure I don’t mess it up. And I’m willing to be either Alliance or Horde.

A bit about me:
I’m 21 years old, currently living in Minnesota, so I’m in CST. And my work days are usually in 3-8, 8:30. So I’m looking for either a morning raiding schedule or a evening raiding schedule. Preferably I want an evening raiding schedule, so maybe 9-1 CST or something among those lines.

If you have any other questions/want to get in touch add my discord.

I can’t wait to talk to you, and I hope we can become good friends. :smiley:

Added you on Discord! Can’t wait to talk to you! :slight_smile:

Hey, your time requirements work out really well for our guild . I sent you a request on discord. My name is chocolate#4680 on there. You can reach out to me if you want to discuss further.

You can read a bit about us here:é-kiljaeden

Hi Lavishly!

Have you picked a server and guild yet? If you haven’t we would like for you to join us on Pagle! Here is a link to our guild recruitment statement <Rusty Ranch Raiders> [A] [NA] [PVE] Pagle. We are currently looking to build up the guild and are focused on leveling/grinding until we are raid ready!

There are a lot of opportunities with our guild, ledership etc., and we have a very active Discord with mature people (ages 25+). All times are CST based as well, so that should work pretty good with your schedule and our plans are to raid at night around 9:30pm CST a few times a week. Details TBD once we get closer to that. POC information is below - please feel free to reach out to either myself of Fio!

BattleTag: fio012#1360 or MereServant#1451

Discord: fio#6069 or 5LLDude#9079

Hi Lavishly
Sent you a FR on discord. From 5LLDude#9079 aka MereServant.

Sent you a friend request on Discord :slight_smile: